/ / Polygamy - what is it?

Polygamy - what is it?

In our time, very many simply"juggle" arguments, mostly pseudoscientific, on the relationship between men and women. It is often possible to meet discussions of monogamy or polygamousness. With all this, there are very few people who can answer the question: "Polygamy - what is it?" Let's try to shed some light on this side of human sexual nature.

polygamous what is it

Polygamy - what is it? In fact, it is impossible to consider this term in isolation from its antipode - monogamy. Mother nature is plastic to infinity. This ensures its survival in man-made artificial conditions. Psychologists prove (and you can be sure of this on your own practical experience) that even in the most outwardly respectable families you can quite find information about a whole dozen novels with treason, intrigue and so on. Naturally, all this is hushed up and not carried "into the light of God."

Polygamous - what is it from the point of view of instincts? That men, that women and polygamous, and monogamous simultaneously in their animal natural sexuality. When one or the other male understands that this female is ideally suited to continue his genus, he will certainly stop on it, without being distracted by some other females there. It shows only his monogamousness. But if the same male understands that this female is well simply not suitable for his needs and for the continuation of the genus (or does not fit completely), he begins to look for other applicants. This is the answer to the question: "Polygamy - what is it?"

polygamous men

And what about the female? Polygamy - what is this for women? Do you think they are different? Absolutely not. Men are polygamous no more than representatives of the weaker sex. The instinctive, animal beginning of a woman, which is presented to her by mother nature, is likewise polygamous, and monogamous at the same time.

If the female meets the ideala number of parameters of the male inseminator, then she will concentrate all her attention on it. This is the manifestation of female monogamy. But if she feels (at the level of instincts) that the male is not even partially suitable for her, the woman will immediately begin to pay attention to other men. And then we see exactly the same polygamousness as in males.

men are polygamous

Therefore, the answer to the question: "Polygamy, what is it?" Is as simple as possible. This is the same natural part of sexual life, psychology and instincts in any person, as well as monogamy. But why is this not obvious to the townsfolk? Instinct has tremendous power over man, but the ignorance that is proportionate to him does not allow this power to be understood. From the above, one can make an obvious conclusion that the stories that polygamousness of men go beyond all limits and boundaries are greatly exaggerated and written by women who do not notice their shortcomings or simply manifestations of their own natural polygamousness. If we isolate the "romance" from the relationship between the weak and the strong sex, then everything revolves around the instincts of procreation. And this greatly facilitates the task of understanding the sexes.

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