/ / VDNKh, pavilion "Cosmos": everything you need to know about modern achievements

VDNKh, pavilion "Space": everything you need to know about modern achievements

Moscow as a historical and cultural center offersto its residents and guests a number of exhibitions, where everyone will find something based on personal interests. A huge number of pavilions of various subjects contains VDNH. The pavilion "Cosmos" is especially interesting to all fans of the starry sky.

dvuh pavilion space

Increase in volumes

This is now "Cosmos" tells about the specificindustry. But very few people know what kind of transformation he has undergone. In the distant 30-ies of the last century, a pavilion was designed, to decorate which was to be a decorative tower. Mechanization for many was seen as inconvenient from the practical point of view, since it could not accommodate all the tractors and combines presenting the direction of agriculture in the right amount.

In the mid-50's the exposure was several timescomplemented by samples of the automotive and aviation industries. All of them were conveniently located in the allotted territory of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements. Pavilion "Cosmos" was replaced by "Mechanical Engineering", which included various types of equipment, machinery, machine tools, automatic lines. With the passage of decades, the exposures grew so much that there was not enough space for the whole place.

Necessary changes

The celebration of the 50th anniversary of October demandedlong-awaited changes. The exploration of outer space was an excellent example of the achievements of the Soviet state. VDNKh (the pavilion Kosmos first of all) accommodated models of artificial satellites, showing a rich history of the development of rocket and space technology, as well as other interesting things. These are, for example, the life support system of an astronaut, a wide range of technical equipment used in flights. The original layout of the cosmodrome, built in front of the pavilion, already at the entrance delighted the visitors.

exhibition dvuh pavilion space

Despite the state difficulties

In two separate, but related buildingshoused a rich exposition exhibition VDNH. The pavilion Kosmos subsequently separated from Mashinostroenie, having received the ordinal number 32, under which it is widely known now. It is also divided into independent corps "Astronautics" and "Aviation", which gives visitors an even greater opportunity to view the unique monuments of space that have survived to this day. Expositions are constantly filled with new unique materials.

With the beginning of perestroika times, "Cosmos" wasalmost not in demand. The exhibition center was more like a shopping arcade where people tried to make a living. The country was swallowed up by the market and trade. Of course, the excursions were popular, but with the plight of most citizens, the issues of enlightenment fell into the background.

And yet great happiness is to preserveobject to our times. In 2014, the historic name VDNKh was returned. The pavilion Kosmos (as an integral part of it) was recognized as an object of cultural heritage.

Role today, future plans

Modern development of the pavilion is associated withseveral exhibitions, held in 2015 under the slogan of cultural and educational. One of these was the exposition "The Mechanics of a Miracle." Interest in it is due to the past Olympic Games in Sochi, specifically for which a number of technical objects were created. All of them, presented at the exhibition, won the recognition of visitors.

dvuh pavilion space exhibition-olympiad

Today the path of development of cosmonautics is richis presented at VDNKh. Pavilion "Cosmos" (photo attached) does not stand still, periodically opening new exhibitions. Each of them focuses on the history of the aerospace industry, to which our country had high hopes in the last century. In addition, visitors will be told about future novelties, expected in the near future.

Presented in a variety of expositionsharmoniously connected VDNH, pavilion "Space". The exhibition (the Olympics was no longer the main topic) "Russia is doing itself" has become a new impulse in development and even greater enthusiasm for this direction among ordinary citizens. This is indicated by statistical data on the attendance of the exhibition within the framework of the recently opened Polytechnic Museum.

However, "Space" includes a number of other activities. So, at the moment there is a collection of cars and an exposition "Goal!", Telling about the history of world football.

The pavilion plans to openinteractive museum of astronautics. It is planned to present a unique technique for domestic aviation, the missile complex, the space industry, as well as the layout of the Mir station and the Angara carrier.

What can visitors see? First of all, get acquainted with the basics of the work of interplanetary stations, navigation systems GLONASS. Of special interest will be a projected full-size model of the station, prepared for landing on Mars. This, in turn, will be a perfect confirmation of how close humanity is to the development of new planets.

dvuh pavilion space photo

"Cosmos" invites all comers! You can get to the metro station "VDNH". The pavilion is located in the depth of the exhibition on the Industrial Square. The distance from the entrance is about 1300 meters. Go to the "Cosmos" you can on the Main Alley, focusing on the towering mock-up of the rocket of Yuri Gagarin - so you definitely will not get lost!

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