/ / Monument to Kolchak in Irkutsk (photo)

Monument to Kolchak in Irkutsk (photo)

In 2004 in Russia in Irkutsk was installeda monument to Kolchak. This is one of the most controversial and ambiguous personalities in the Russian history of the Civil War. On the one hand, the famous naval commander and explorer of the ocean depths, on the other - one of the leaders of the white movement, still officially considered a war criminal. Disputes about the validity of the installation of this monument do not cease until now.

Irkutsk precedent

the monument to Kolchak
The monument to Kolchak appeared in Irkutsk on the 130th birthday of the Russian naval commander. Born in St. Petersburg, Admiral Kolchak completed his life in Irkutsk.

In 1920 Kolchak together with the chairman of the Councilministers of the Russian government Viktor Pepelyaev was shot. The sentence was carried out without trial. The death warrant was signed by the Irkutsk Military Revolutionary Committee of the Bolsheviks. According to many historians, the Irkutsk Bolsheviks carried out Lenin's direct order.

Monument to one of the leaders of the white movementis made of wrought copper, the height of the statue of Kolchak is 4.5 meters. At the base is a concrete pedestal. It depicts two warriors who crossed their arms. One of them is a white guard, the other is a Red Army man.

Today, the city of Kolchak monument is due to such close attention from all Russia.

Location of the monument

monument to Kolchak in Irkutsk photo
Disputes, whether to establish this monument, were conducteda very long time. Their center was Irkutsk. The monument to Kolchak (the address of his location: Angarskaya Street, Pravoberezhny Okrug) is set at the very place where, according to historians, the shooting took place. Nearby is the Ushakovka River. It was in her water that the white Admiral's body was thrown.

Not far from the monument stands the Znamenskaya church. Earlier it was a nunnery, one of the oldest in all of Siberia.

On the day of the official opening of the monument, a mourning wreath was commemorated on the surface of the river in memory of the naval commander.

Sculptor Klykov

Monument to Kolchak - the work of the Russian sculptorVyacheslav Klykov. A native of the Kursk region, he is a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR since 1969. Exhibited his work in the Russian Museum and the State Tretyakov Gallery.

His most famous works are the sculpture of Mercury near the World Trade Center in Moscow, established in 1982, and the design of the Moscow Children's Musical Theater.

During perestroika, the Orthodoxthemes, as well as patriotic moods. He created a monument to the famous St. Sergius of Radonezh. The monument had a difficult fate. It was tried to install it back in 1987, but then the monument was arrested and escorted from the village of Gorodok, which is located near the Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra, in the places where the Reverend Sergius himself lived.

The opening was possible only one year later, on May 29, 1988. The monument to Kolchak became one of the last works of Vyacheslav Klykov. In 2006, he died at the age of 66 years.

Kolchak before the Civil War

monument to Kolchak photo
What arguments do the supporters and opponents of the fact that the monument to Admiral Kolchak in Irkutsk stand? All disputes are rooted in his biography.

Alexander Kolchak was born in St. PetersburgNovember 4, 1874, during the reign of Alexander II. Deep religious education was received thanks to the mother, who often took the children to church. The genus originated from the hereditary servant nobility.

He studied at the classical gymnasium, and at the age of 14 entered the Marine Corps. It was here, as his contemporaries recall, he had an interest in learning and a sense of responsibility.

In 1890, he first went to sea on the armoredfrigate "Prince Pozharsky." In 18 years he received the rank of non-commissioned officer. A turning point in his fate was in 1894. First, after a long illness, the mother of Alexander Vasilyevich dies. Secondly, Nicholas II comes to power in Russia. The last emperor of Russia. It was the collapse of the Romanovs' house that predetermined the fate of Kolchak himself.

Kolchak the scientist

monument to Admiral Kolchak
Proponents of the fact that the monument to Admiral Kolchakstood, talk about his achievements in the scientific fields. In 1897, he began to engage in research work as part of the crew of the sailing cruiser, which is sent to the Korean port of Gensan. Here Kolchak conducts hydrological studies.

At the beginning of the 20th century, Kolchak was one of the founders of the Russian polar expedition. He specially travels to Norway for consultations with Nansen. July 18, 1900 travelers go on a voyage.

They managed to get to Gafner Bay. Here they left a warehouse with provisions to move further into the peninsula in spring. Upon his return to the base, Kolchak presented a detailed report, thanks to his astronomical observations, he managed to make significant refinements on the map, which Nansen made as a result of his expedition.

The next trip in the spring of 1901 wentalready on a sleigh. Oceanographic work was conducted, the depth was measured, the state of ice floes was studied, Kolchak devoted much time to observations of terrestrial magnetism.

The leader of the expedition, Baron Tolle highly appreciatedKolchak's personal contribution, using such words as "the best officer of the expedition." At his own initiative, the name of Kolchak was immortalized - the name of the island and the cape in the Taimyr Bay.

The Russian polar expedition was completed only in 1903. Kolchak, together with the team returned to St. Petersburg.

The Russo-Japanese War

monuments of Kolchak in Russia
The news of the beginning of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904found Kolchak in Yakutsk. Many historians highly appreciate his role in this conflict, so they believe that a monument to Kolchak in Irkutsk should stand. Photos of this monument are obliged to decorate folios about the sights of the city.

Kolchak immediately asked for a transfer to the Maritime Department and did not hesitate to leave his scientific work. At Port Arthur, he arrived on March 18, by that time the fighting had been going on for a month and a half.

Soon, Alexander Vasilyevich achievedtransfer to the minelayer "Amur". A few days later he became commander of the torpedo boat "Angry". The young officer was eager to fight, but "Angry" belonged to the second group of destroyers and was involved in escorting ships and guarding the entrance to the harbor. Despite this, Kolchak gave himself completely to routine work, which he did not like, and brought much benefit in the general defense of Port Arthur.

In the heat of battles

city ​​monument to Kolchak
The first serious task Kolchak got on May 1. Mine barrier "Amur" at this time with several dozen mines on board reached the Golden Mount, near which the Japanese ships were located. And he organized a minefield of fifty shells.

At this time, "Angry" under the command of Kolchaktogether with another destroyer, went ahead, clearing the way. As a result, two Japanese battleships - Yasima and Hatsuse - were blown up on competently placed mines. This success was one of the loudest for its Pacific campaign in that war.

Despite the routine work, there was a place forfeat Kolchak. He went daily to the raid, firing at the enemy and placing obstacles. On the night of August 24, Alexander Vasilyevich chose a place to install mines, but he was prevented by Japanese ships. Having shown perseverance, Kolchak returned there the next day and still laid 16 minutes. They became fatal for the cruiser Takasago, which sank, erupting on October 30. This success is recognized as the second most significant in the Russo-Japanese War.

It is these achievements that prompted many to advocate for establishing a monument to Kolchak in Irkutsk (photos are presented in the article).

True, by that time Kolchak had already left the ship, asking for an army army. After all, it was on land that unfolded the main events, he also strove to the very thick.

He began with the command of a battery of guns onpositions in the Rocky Mountains. Prior to the surrender of Port Arthur, Kolchak conducted artillery exchanges with the Japanese, repulsed the attacks of their infantry. At the same time he tried to systematize the experience, manifesting himself as a scientist. His records helped to generalize the knowledge of the artilleryman and first-class strategist.

Shortly before the surrender of Port Arthur, Kolchak receivedinjury that aggravated his rheumatism. In December, he was hospitalized, and in April he was evacuated to Nagasaki. All wounded Russian officers were allowed to return to Russia. Kolchak arrived in St. Petersburg in June 1905.

Reviving the fleet

After the end of the Russo-Japanese War, KolchakHe suffered a defeat of the Russian fleet. He conducted thorough work on the mistakes. As a result, he became one of the key figures in his re-creation, technical and organizational modernization.

He headed the naval circle, on the initiative of which in 1906 the Naval General Staff appeared. His tasks, in particular, included the drafting of war plans.

Thanks to Kolchak, the sea qualification was abolished in Russia, an order that made it extremely difficult for young officers to advance in the service.

Alexander Vasilievich became an expert of the commission ondefense in the State Duma. In 1907, he made a presentation on "What kind of fleet Russia needs," based on his research, including during the Russo-Japanese War. In the final analysis, this work became fundamental for Russian shipbuilding until the outbreak of the First World War. In 1908 he was awarded the rank of captain of the second rank.

That is why many believe that the monument to Kolchak, whose photo adorns booklets about Irkutsk, has the right to exist.

On the First World

Kolchak showed himself during the First World War. He was a member of the Baltic Fleet headquarters, developed plans for mining, and always tried to take part in the battle.

In 1915 he became commander of the mine divisionThe Baltic Fleet, developed an amphibious operation in the German rear. In the war he fully revealed himself as a miner and naval commander. In 1916 he was promoted to Rear Admirals. In 1917, he became commander of the Black Sea Fleet. At that time he turned 41 years old.

According to historians, the Black Sea Fleet during the command of Kolchak achieved serious success. Many enemy combat units were crushed, it was possible to prevent an attack on the coast of Russia.

During the Revolution

monument to Admiral Kolchak in Irkutsk
The situation became much more complicated in 1917. The fleet gained strength anti-war sentiment, Kolchak entered into an open confrontation with the Provisional Government. He fell under the investigation for political reasons and was forced to leave the post of commander-in-chief.

At a meeting of the Provisional Government inPetrograd Kolchak accused the leadership of the planned collapse of the army and navy. And already at that time was considered as one of the candidates for dictators. The intention of the Bolsheviks to make peace with the Germans learned when he was in Japan. After this news, he asked the UK to accept him for military service.

This turn has greatly reduced the authority that Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich earned in the eyes of his descendants. The monument established to him, so still and lends itself to attacking opponents.

Civil War

Having joined the White Volunteer Army, Kolchakwas elected the Supreme Ruler of Russia. At that time he was the most famous figure in Siberia. He was given the main hope in the confrontation with the Bolsheviks.

In the spring of 1919 he created a battle-worthy armynumbering about 400 thousand people. This was done with the help of the United States and the Entente countries, and also having seized the gold reserves of Russia. At first everything went well, by April the Ural was busy. However, a series of defeats followed.

In November, under the pressure of the Red Army, the admiral wasforced to leave Omsk. In January 1920, he was in the hands of the Bolsheviks in Irkutsk. Monuments Kolchak in Russia is not yet established. The monument in Irkutsk is the only one. Only in 2014 there was information about plans to perpetuate the memory of the admiral in Sevastopol. However, the initiator was the Monarchist Party of Russia, which has no real political power. </ span </ p>

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