/ / Tricks with smoke: spectacular and uncomplicated

Tricks with smoke: spectacular and uncomplicated

In order to perform all these spectacular trickswith smoke, you will need a hookah, an electronic cigarette or a wipe. Some believe that for similar tricks the usual cigarette with the broken off filter will fit, but such smoking will be doubly harmful for your lungs.

Smoke rings

Such tricks with smoke are considered the most spectacular. You can achieve the effect in two ways:

  1. Put a couple more in your mouth, then quickly make the lips with the letter "O", while the tip of the tongue is next to the tongue bridle. With short exhalations, squeeze out small doses of smoke.
  2. This method assumes the same actions,Only thus do you have to pronounce the vowel "O" of the larynx. The sound itself will not be heard - just a semblance of a click in your throat. Do not forget to keep your mouth open in the form of a wide circle.

tricks with smoke

In this case, practice is important. Do not be discouraged if the first rings disintegrate quickly or do not work out in principle.

Double puff "ghost"

Such a trick with cigarette smoke is done as follows:

  1. Tighten, but do not inhale the smoke into the lungs - hold it in your mouth.
  2. Slightly throwing your head back slowly exhale smoke for 1-2 seconds. The language while holding it pressed to the sky. At the last stage, sharply lower it down.
  3. While the smoke cloud is at a distance of 5-10 cm from your face, slightly opening your lips and tilting your head towards him, quickly inhale it back, trying to collect it completely.

"French breath", "waterfall"

These tricks with smoke are done this way:

  1. For two or three seconds, inhale the smoke. It is important to keep it in your mouth - you can lightly chew your cheeks for it, like a hamster.
  2. Now open your mouth, firmly protruding the lower lip, and start to slowly release the smoke. He will go up.
  3. Once the smoke reaches your nose, start slowly inhaling the steam back to them.

tricks with smoke

Glass with smoke

Perhaps, these are the simplest tricks with smoke from the hookah. Inhale as much smoke as possible, and slowly, focusing on the edge, start to exhale it into a glass. You can use a tube for training.

tricks with smoke

Tornado on the table

Too easy enough trick. In a calm room, exhale a large portion of smoke on the surface of the table. Then poke it with your hand and turn it into a kind of thin tube, such as the base of a tornado. To create a real whirlwind, only practice is needed.

trick with cigarette smoke

Smoky soap bubbles

These are very spectacular stunts with smoke. Vesicles burst, releasing the clouds of steam. To make focus it is possible so:

  1. Dilute a dishwashing liquid with a small amount of water in the bowl, find a straw for the cocktail, or use baby soap bubbles.
  2. The more smoke you breathe, the more smoke bubbles will be.
  3. Slowly exhale the smoke into a straw, thoroughly soaked in soapy water.

tricks with smoke from the hookah

All the tricks with smoke are simple in the description, but tolearn how to do them on the machine, you need a thorough and serious practice. Only by repeating these tricks every day, honing your skills, you will learn these actions, and also you can combine them and transform them into new ones. However, be sure to remember that smoking and cigarettes, and a paper, and hookah harm to your health.

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