/ / Geography lesson: extreme points of North America

Geography lesson: extreme points of North America

Perhaps, let's start with the fact that the extreme pointsNorth America limits the third largest continent of planet Earth, located in the northern and western hemispheres. Its banks are washed by the waters of three oceans - the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic. The coastline of North America is covered with bays and peninsulas, thanks to the millennial work of underwater currents and arctic winds.

The extreme points of North America

The climate of North America

A little bit about what the weather in the "house" of moderneconomy. Due to the length of the continent, the climate of North America covers all the belts, except the equatorial, which contributes to agriculture and the development of virtually all industries.

In the west, the continent is bounded by a mountain rangeAppalachians, not overlooking the western winds, because the middle of the mainland and the north of Mexico are occupied by deserts. Winter in the center of North America is quite cold and frosty, summer is arid and hot, the situation is changing proportionally towards the equator and the pole. However, Americans are already accustomed to severe climate changes, and the wardrobe of the modern Yankees is a role model for Russians who have weather conditions similar.

About extreme points

North America - extreme points
Do not confuse the extreme points of North America withborder points of the United States - they are all located outside the country. We start from the north - the Murchison cape is in the Arctic, in Canada, and has coordinates of 71 degrees 50 minutes north latitude and 94 degrees 45 minutes west longitude. This is one of the extreme points of the globe, not counting Greenland. There is a cape on the peninsula of Butia and almost all the time in the year it is surrounded by permafrost. However, there is another picturesque place with this name - the national park, which is worth visiting only for the sake of sparkling waterfalls. Amazing is the fact that Cape Murchison is located exactly in 2013 km from the North Pole - it was from here that Santa was to fly on this Christmas Eve.

Generally, Canada is a good half of the area thathas North America. The extreme points of the country and the continent coincide not only in the north, but also in the east. The eastern extremum is Saint Charles Cape, located at 52 degrees 24 minutes north latitude and 55 degrees 40 minutes west longitude. This cape is a ledge of the Labrador Peninsula, and is located near Toronto.

The climate of North America

The most western point of North America lies in theterritory of Alaska. The cape of the Prince of Wales (65 degrees 35 minutes north latitude, 168 degrees west longitude) comes to the coast of the Bering Strait. Earlier, millions of years ago, it was a piece of land that connected the lands of Alaska with Chukotka, which means that there was no circulation of water between the oceans, and the ways of evolution of the underwater world were radically different.

Not all extreme points of North America aresevere rocks, blown by cold winds. The extreme southern point is the Cape of Marjato in Central Panama, at 7 degrees 13 minutes north latitude. It is completely uninhabited, mangroves have been preserved here, so enterprising Panamanians attributed the cape to the part of the Cerro Hoya National Park, respectively - to the UNESCO heritage.

These are the extreme points of North America, each of which is difficult to access, but is indispensable to memorization.

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