/ / Director's work and filmography of Kirill Pletnev

Director's works and filmography of Kirill Pletnev

The favorite of many women, the owner of a piercing look, is Pletnev Kirill Vladimirovich. The filmography of the actor includes dozens of interesting and stirring paintings.

He is increasingly invited to shoot, but interesting is another fact: Cyril Pletnev - the director, and very talented. His work today is recognized by both spectators and censors.

filmography of Cyril Pletnev

Childhood in camps, or how tempered the character

December 30, in 1979, Cyril was born. The future actor was born in Kharkov (Ukraine), but almost immediately after birth, his parents moved to Leningrad. Kirill graduated from the school in Leningrad with some difficulties. The fact is that from an early age, the enthusiastic Bruce Lee Cyril's game was particularly pugnacious. This to some extent played a key role in his future. My father wrote his son to the Taekwondo section, and my mother, so that the child did not become a "stubborn", every summer took him to children's camps, where she worked as a dance teacher. Camp life Kirill liked more Taekwondo, so in the adult age the future film actor continued to travel to the camp already independently as a dance teacher. There he also organized theater studios and worked part time in the kitchen as an assistant chef. By the way, in St. Petersburg Kirill worked as an assistant in the kitchen for a year.

movies with Cyril Pletnev

By the way, the school where Kirill studied was fromsports club "Zenith", but the game of football, the actor has never attracted, so he constantly sabotaged classes and took the walk with him half of the team. One more hobby of Cyril in school years was rock climbing. But the greatest zeal was manifested in the theatrical circle. Cyril from childhood read a lot, at an early age was familiar with the work of many venerable poets and writers.

Student's time, or As Pletneva at the directing department did not take

Kirill graduated from the school in 1996. He knew about his future training in advance - he wanted to enter the director's faculty at the St. Petersburg Theater Academy. However, a 16-year-old boy was not taken there - he did not pass by age, but was advised to take acting courses. Cyril listened to the advice, and already in the third year he took part in theatrical productions based on Ivan Bunin's works The Case of the Cornet Elagin and The Cornet of Orlov. At this very time, he came to understand his vocation. Pletnev realized that as an actor, you can also embody your vision, understanding the role on stage, as well as as a director. Therefore, all the films with Cyril Pletnev are unusual, romantic and mysterious.

movies with Cyril Pletnev

Job search

After graduating from the academy, Kirill began to searchwork, but local theaters in young actors did not need. Therefore, like many other young people, Cyril went to conquer the capital-mother - Moscow. Pletnev got into the troupe of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, where he worked for 3 years. During his work with Armen Borisovich, Cyril played in the following productions: "The Tale of a Scientist Cat", "The Inspector General" and others. From the theater, Cyril left not by his own will - he was expelled. The thing is that Pletnev could not bring himself to play roles that he did not like, his notions of what was wanted differed from the real theatrical life. Making myself rehearse on my own was one torture for Pletnev. Therefore, he thanked in part Dzhigarkhanyan for the fact that he decided to accelerate the inevitable.

series with Kirill Pletnev

Other creativity of Cyril Pletnev

Cooperating with Irina Keruchenko, he started in 2003year. With her, he worked comfortably, they had similar characters, they equally saw certain images, prescribed character characters, explained their actions. Two years later, the joint work of Kerutchenko and Pletnev was awarded with a prize at the New Drama festival. And the following year Pletnev played in the play "Hedda Gabler". The performance became a laureate of the festival "The Norwegian play on the Moscow stage". In 2008, Kirill Pletneva was deservedly awarded the prize of the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets for his work in the project "I am a machine gunner". There are few theatrical roles for Cyril, but the actor does not despair. In one of his interviews, Pletnev said that he dreams of playing on the stage of Othello, Caligula, Khlestakov, Rogozhin and Treplev.

Pletnev Kirill - filmography

Filmography of Cyril Pletnev

In the cinema Cyril Pletnev came in 2001. The debut role of the actor went to the popular TV series "Slaughter Force". By the way, Kirill Pletnev's filmography includes a number of successful films devoted to military subjects, where Cyril gets the role of the military, despite the fact that the actor did not serve in the army, and has nothing to do with the military forces.

Films with Cyril Pletnev always surprisedviewers. The first role, which brought him recognition, was played by him in the film "Saboteurs". After the role of sergeant Nelipa in the "Soldiers" only strengthened the growing interest in the actor. The filmography of Cyril Pletnev is noted by the role of midshipman Frolov in the acclaimed film "Admiral". Also Cyril coped superbly with the lieutenant role of Kudinov in the tape "Desantura", and with the role of Alexei in the film "Taiga. Course of Survival ».

Today, the popularity of the actor continues to grow. So, melodramas with Cyril Pletnev deserve special attention. According to the actor himself, he is interested in the practice of reincarnation, full of physical reprogramming. Therefore, in order to expand the role and go beyond the "military role", Cyril often agrees on the role in the series, melodramas. Pletnev is interested in the process of forming a new image, quite unlike the previous characters he has already played. The inspiration of the young actor is Robert De Niro in Scorsese's film The Raging Bull.

melodrama with Cyril Pletnev

Director's tests

Of course, the series with Kirill Pletnev anyall, but he does not give up hope of returning to directing and making his film. To this end, the actor in 2014 successfully graduated from the Faculty of Film Drama and Film Directing VGIK. By the way, his graduation work "Nastya" was awarded the Grand Prix at Kinotavr-2015 in the nomination "Best short film".

Today this is not the only director's award of the actor. Cyril Pletnev's filmography was replenished with his own films "The Dog and the Heart" and "6.23". These films were awarded with a number of awards.

Future plans

Cyril never considered himself a popular actor,calling himself recognizable in wide circles. But the films with Cyril Pletnev are very popular. Many girls and women watch them only because their favorite actor performs the main or secondary role.

Pletnev is not going to stop atachieved. According to the actor, his creative life is just beginning. Kirill Pletnev plans to work together with Danila Kozlovsky in the film "Viking", where Pletnev plays Oleg - brother of Prince Vladimir (the role of Prince Vladimir is performed by Danila Kozlovsky). Approximately the picture will be released in 2017. And the filmography of Cyril Pletnev will be replenished with one more beautiful painting.

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