/ / Vainers is who? How to become a Viner?

Weiner is who? How to become a Viner?

The Weiner brothers are famous Sovietwriters who specialized in the genre of detective novels. Together they wrote many books and scripts for films. Their most famous novel is "The era of mercy", it was for him that the television series "The meeting place can not be changed" was shot, in which Vladimir Vysotsky played one of the main roles.

Biography of writers

Vainers are

The Weiner brothers are the most famous tandem of Soviet detective writers. Together they worked since 1967.

The elder brother Arkady was born in 1931, and the youngest George in 1938. Both were born in the capital.

The elder brother is an investigator

brothers wainers

Arkady Vayner graduated from Moscow State University, received a diploma in law. After high school began his career as an investigator, rose to the post of head of the investigation department.

Actively engaged in sports, received the title of mastersport in freestyle wrestling. Since 1971 he became a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR. Already in the Russian reality was part of the national Academy of Cinematographic Arts, which was called "Nika". Honorary head of the international film festival of detectives.

He was married to Sophia Daryalova, a well-known physician,Doctor of Medical Sciences. She specialized in oncological diseases. She worked in the Moscow Research Institute of Oncology. They had a daughter, Natalia. In the future, the famous TV journalist Natalya Daryalova, the ex-head of the channel "Daryal-TV" (now the channel "Peretz").

He died in 2005 in Moscow at the age of 74 years. He was buried at Vostryakovskoe cemetery.

Georgiy Vainer

book readers

The younger brother studied at the correspondence institute of law in Moscow. At first he worked as an engineer, and later became a correspondent in TASS. A year later, his brother, in 1972, was admitted to the Writers' Union of Russia.

The youngest Weiner emigrated from Russia in 1990. He moved to his permanent residence in the United States. In America he continued his journalistic career, headed the newspaper "The New Russian Word", in which Sergei Dovlatov once worked. And with the "New Russian word" Arkady Vainer collaborated since the late 80's, when he directed the Moscow branch of the editorial board. It was right in his apartment, but it did not last long. Already in America was one of the editors of the publication. He was also a member of the editorial board of the newspaper "Russian Bazaar," which actively covered public and political life in the US, Russia, Israel and Germany.

He died in New York in 2009. Buried in a cemetery in New Jersey, he was 71 years old. The writer had a wife and children. Brother and Sister Stanislav and Anna stayed in America, and another son, Constantine, eventually moved to Israel.


Vainers are one of the most widely read Soviet writers. The total circulation of their works was more than one million copies.

In 1967 they made their debut on the literaryOlympus with the novel "Watch for Mr. Kelly" about the investigator Tikhonov, who is investigating the theft from the watch factory and the sale of the stolen goods abroad. In 1977, this story was filmed under the title "Certificate of Poverty," and in 2016 entered, like a number of other works about the investigator Tikhonov, in the series of Alexander Rodnyansky, which was called "The Investigator Tikhonov." The main roles were performed by Mikhail Efremov in a duet with Svetlana Ivanova.

Later they were released withperiodicity of the novel in one or two years. In the light came "I, the investigator," "Feel at noon," "Visit to the Minotaur," "Race in the vertical," "The history of the local Pozdnyakov," "Medicine for Nesmeyany," "Do not lose a man," "The city accepted!" , "The Kara raid," "The victims have no complaints," "The Stratenov's Marriage, or the Sentimental Journey of the Bride to the Bridegroom," "The Will of Columbus," "Two Among the People," "Loop and Stone in Green Grass," "The Gospel of the Executioner" .

Vainers - it has always been an indicator of quality and fascinating literature.

"The era of mercy"

brothers weiner books

The most famous novel, "The era of mercy," stands apart. Brothers Vainer wrote it in 1975.

The action of this work takes place in1945 year. A young Vladimir Sharapov, yesterday's front-line soldier, comes to the service in law enforcement agencies. He has a great practical experience (he served in intelligence), but the theoretical basis is weak, legally unskilled.

On an internship, he is sent to a group of operatives of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department. It is headed by Gleb Zheglov, who oversees the fight against banditry in the capital.

The thing they are working on at the moment,this is the elimination of the gang "Black Cat". Such a nickname the criminals received because of a living kitten, which is always left at the crime scene. In extreme cases, draw a cat with coal on the wall. If before the gang robbed ordinary citizens, now they have switched to larger businesses: their goal is warehouses and grocery stores.

In parallel, the operatives have a case about the mysterious murder of Larisa Gruzdeva, in which her husband is immediately suspected. Over time, it turns out that these crimes have something in common.

"Meeting place can not be Changed"

of mercy

"The era of mercy" Weiner - one of the mostfamous works of this writer's tandem. After all, it was this novel that became the basis for the television series entitled "The meeting place can not be changed." The Weiner brothers, whose books were often screened, always wrote detective novels that were organically transferred to the screen. This film turned out to be the most famous and popular among others.

Directed by Stanislav Govorukhin. The plot of the novel is very detailed. His success is largely due to the film's strong cast. The roles in the film were played by Vladimir Vysotsky, Vladimir Konkin, Zinoviy Gerdt, Sergei Jursky, Svetlana Svetlichnaya, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Alexander Belyavsky, Alexander Abdulov, Evgeny Evstigneev, Leonid Kuravlyov, Stanislav Sadalsky, Larisa Udovichenko.

Interesting fact: when the Weiners just released the book, Vladimir Vysotsky came to them, saying that he wants to stake out the role of Zheglov. The writers did not understand him at first. Then he explained to them that he was sure that soon the film would be shot on this novel, in which he dreams to play the main role.

The film was first shown on television in 1979. During the week, one series per day, on Soviet Central Television.

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