/ / The most popular name, what it is

The most popular name, what it is

Every second on our planet is born into the light4 kids - this is the statistic! And what is the most important question facing parents? Of course, what name to give to your baby! The procedure is not only fascinating, but also very responsible, because the name will remain with a person for life, and scientists have long proven that it affects the character, well-being and even the fate of a person!

the most popular name

Annually registrar departments form lists, whereThe most common names for girls and boys are listed in descending order. But what kind of name to give the child, popular or rare, is up to the parents. For twenty-two years the most popular name for the boy was Alexander. The name is beautiful, with a great history, and also possesses an interesting characteristic, which is indicated in any publication about the meaning of names. In 2012, the leader was replaced by Artem. Very frequent were "memories", that is, names from far past - Matvey, Nikita, Bogdan, Zakhar, Saveliy, etc.

the most popular name in the world

To give the name to the daughter who was born, parents, as a rule,think much longer. Everyone wants the name to perfectly harmonize with the patronymic, surname, it was not too simple, and at the same time beautiful. The most popular name for girls is Anastasia. In meaning, the owner of this name is very purposeful, will be able to overcome all the hardships that arise during her life, and will reach the highest peaks. They were an excellent pair of leaders with the name Alexander. Not far away, according to statistics, the name Maria lags behind, which is very common in all regions of the country. It is worth mentioning the names Anna, Elena, Polina and Daria, who are closing the top five.

the most popular name in Russia

But this is statistics based on data from registry officesof the whole country, but the surveys conducted with the help of the Internet, offer us a little more data. For example, the most popular name in Russia for a female is Elena, and the male is the unchanging leader Alexander. It is worth noting that the age-old Russian, Slavonic names in our country still prevail and are becoming more popular every year, which can not but rejoice.

And if we consider the situation in a broaderscale, that is, find out which is the most popular name in the world? Although the most numerous nation on the planet are Chinese, the names of Li, Wang, Bokin and others are not the most widespread. Everything is much more humane and to some extent even easier.

The most popular male name in the world isMuhammad. The name is Muslim and is given to a man in honor of the great Prophet Muhammad, the founder of the Islamic religion. A bit strange statistics, given that Christianity is the most numerous and widespread religion in the world. However, all the derivatives from this name were taken into account in statistics, that is, Mohammed, Muhmed, etc. Almost every Islamic family has a son Muhammad, and a couple of babies with derived names, so it's no surprise that the data is that. Worldwide, there are about 150 million men named Muhammad.

The most popular name for women in the world is Anna,naturally, together with derivatives in foreign languages ​​- Ann, Annie, etc. In every country of our vast planet, this Hebrew name is compulsorily found. In total, there are about 100 million women with this name in the world. Think about it! This is the population of the whole country! Country Anne!

Here are the statistics onpresent day. However, fashion tends to change and, perhaps, in two or three years the situation will radically change. And before you give your child the most popular name, think about whether he will evaluate your decision in the future ?!

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