/ / What is the composition and what is its purpose in the visual arts

What is composition and what is its purpose in the visual arts

Those who want to learn how to draw are very importantKnow what composition is and what its types and rules are. After all, in order to write a picture or draw a picture, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what exactly you want to see at the output. Therefore, it is necessary to think through all the details, the location of objects and characters, the plot. In Latin, the word "composition" means a combination, a combination, the compilation of different parts and elements into a single whole, in order to convey its idea or idea. Try, for example, to draw a simple still life, not having built it compositionally. Most likely, it will turn out not in the center of the sheet, but somewhere on the side. And in the eyes will not rush that you drew, but the unfilled space. Or it will happen that some object simply can not fit, because you did not observe the proportions, violating the composition.

There are the following types of composition, which are applicable not only in the visual arts, but also in architecture and design:

- Frontal - has a flat shape with a smalldepth. When you create it, you need to take into account its flatness, whether it's a painting or a bas-relief. To fulfill this requirement, one should take into account the nature of the color and tone contrasts between the elements, as well as their textures and lines, which either form a plane or destroy it.

- Volumetric - has three dimensions: width, height and depth. This composition can be viewed from all sides, and none of them will look flat.

- Deep-spatial - used inthe case of creating all sorts of interiors. It is built from a variety of various objects of various sizes, shapes, textures, and purposes. But together these objects form one harmonious whole and are combined with each other.

In addition to species, there are special rules for composition. They are aimed at making the work of art as expressive as possible and fully reflecting the creator's intention. So, for example, a composition can be built on contrasts, and in all senses of the word. It can be a plot combination (good-evil, fun-sad, calm-dynamic, etc.), and the contrast of magnitudes (large and small), and color or tonal contrasts (light on dark, dark on light). That's what a composition is, built and thought out correctly.

Learn to draw you need to start with the simplestobjects, best of all geometric. This will allow you to gradually sharpen and the eye, and the accuracy of the lines, and the sense of form and color, and technique. Try to draw a normal cube. And then draw it, but slightly unfold it. Place it on a sheet so that it does not seem too large or too small. When you have a little hand, add one more object to the cube, for example, a prism that is larger or smaller than the cube in height. Feel what a composition is: arrange the objects so that they look harmonious. A larger object is necessarily behind the smaller one.

So, very slowly, but surely, you will learncorrectly position objects, do their construction and measure their ratio to each other. What does this mean? And the fact that, only measured, you can achieve the accuracy of the picture, so that one of the items on it does not look more or less than the original in relation to the other element. And the line for these purposes is completely unnecessary (however, since you are an artist, you do not need it now, we draw everything by hand). You need an ordinary pencil, which you draw. Take it and, holding it vertically (if you need to measure the ratio of the height of objects), point at your nature, stretching your arm forward. Select a smaller item. Pinch one eye and aim the pencil so that its tip coincides with the uppermost part of the object. Now, place your finger in the place of the pencil, which coincides with the bottom part. All, you fixed the height. And now, holding the "lock", point it at a larger object and check how many small heights fit in its height. After that, also measure your drawing. In such a simple way, you can measure any proportion.

We hope that now you understand more clearly what a composition is, and what its purpose is. Thanks to the knowledge of the most elementary of its foundations, you can create any artwork.

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