/ / Alieva Leyla - a real beauty

Alieva Leila is a real beauty

Alieva Leila ... Beauty, a successful woman, mothertwo children, the wife of a businessman, a public and a politician. But this is not a complete list, because it is about the family of the head of the Azerbaijani state: this is Ilham Aliyev's daughter Leila.


Alieva Leila
She was born in 1986 in the capital of thisTranscaucasian state. Her parents are Ilham and Mehriban Aliyeva. The girl's childhood began when her father was a teacher at MGIMO. At that time Azerbaijan was ruled by her grandfather. But her biography did not start at all: despite the fact that she was Aliev's daughter, Leila grew up unheeded, although she never lacked anything. Childhood of a young beauty took place in Baku, where she studied at a regular city school at number one hundred and sixty. She received her higher education in England and Switzerland, where she continued her education with her sister Arzu.

Photo by Leyla Aliyeva
From the earliest period, their mother did not wantsend children to closed schools abroad, believing that there they will be deprived of maternal affection and deprived of attention. But later, Aliyev's eldest daughter, Leila, and the youngest, Arzu, were sent to the best Swiss and English colleges. And now both girls are fluent in several foreign languages. Parents paid much attention to ensuring that their children were brought up in national traditions.

Lack of freedom

At home, the girl was always accompaniedseveral guards. She complained more than once that she does not feel free, she can not afford to just walk through the streets of her native Baku so that they do not pay attention to her. From the very early years of Alieva, Leila has repeatedly participated in various state events at the highest level. And only in London she was able to breathe deeply. After all, very few people knew her there, and therefore the need to walk with her retinue disappeared.

Leyla Aliyeva in the circle of friends is always sociable, she never boasts of her position. And the period spent in the English capital, considers one of the best in life.


At the end of April 2006, Alieva Leila marriedfor Emin Agalarov - the son of a well-known Azerbaijani businessman. Her husband is the son of the owner of the Crocus City Mall, whose fortune, according to Forbes, is estimated at three hundred and sixty million dollars. However, Leila Aliyeva's husband has his own grasp and efficiency. He is the commercial director of the huge concern Crocus International.

Alieva Leila is very similar to her mother-beautyMehriban. Emin is also very attractive, he also inherits business skills from his father, loves classical music and studied in the USA. Young people belong to the Azerbaijani elite. They were introduced to each other at the Swiss ski resort, and from the first minute it became clear how this acquaintance would end.

Before the wedding

Rumors that Aliyev's daughter Leila and her sonmulti-millionaire Aras Agalarov Emin got engaged, began to appear in the press long before the official engagement. At first, the bride's father was categorically against their relationship, but the girl insisted on her. Her life principles did not include the desire to marry a "suitable" person. She wanted to date with the guy she loved. And the pope-president surrendered.

Emin officially asked for permission to beginto look after his beautiful daughter. And soon Leyla Ilham-kyzy Aliyev became engaged to him. The ceremony was held in the suburban residence of the Azerbaijani President near Baku. During her mother-in-law - Irina Agalarova - gave, according to the eastern tradition, her dear daughter-in-law very expensive earrings from the latest jewelry collection.

Leila Aliyeva's husband


In early spring 2006, the young couple were married. Officially, the first wedding ceremony was decided to be held in Baku. She was invited to relatively few guests: about two and a half hundred people.

After her newlyweds flew into the weddingtravel to the Maldives. According to Azerbaijani traditions, at first the wedding is arranged by the bride's relatives, and then the groom's party organizes one more for the children. So after the return of Leila and Emin, another wedding ceremony was already held in Moscow, which was held at Crocus City Hall. And already here it was decided to invite a lot more people. There were also representatives of the press.

Leyla Aliyeva among friends
In general, Leila's wedding, as expected,became the loudest event in the secular life of Azerbaijan. The director of the celebrations was the famous Moscow artist and designer Boris Krasnov, who is invited to draw up inaugurations of Russian presidents. Putin himself sent congratulations to the newlyweds, and Bush even prepared a video message. The ceremony was grandiose. Dishes and furniture came from England on several trailers, flowers for decoration of premises arrived by plane from Holland.

Leyla Ilham gizi Aliyeva

Life is married

After the wedding celebrations were over, alreadymarried Alieva Leila moved to her husband in Moscow. The Agalarovs clan, although it is Azerbaijani, conducts its business in the Russian capital. The girl quickly found herself a worthy occupation by entering the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.

Her husband Emin began to try himself as asolo artist. Leyla often attended social gatherings with him, presentations, etc. In December 2008, she gave birth to twin boys, who were named Ali and Mikail.

Rich heiress

Leila is not only the president's daughter, the wife of a businessman,but also a very beautiful woman. At twenty-eight, she already holds a high enough position, which obliges, imposes responsibility. Therefore, the girl never appears anywhere without make-up. She scrupulously follows every exit to the public, so she is always ready for any surprises. Photo of Leyla Aliyeva can be seen on the covers of many glossy magazines.

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