/ / Jane Lynch is a great actress in small roles

Jane Lynch is a great actress in small roles

Not every talented actress can achieverecognition, and even more so to get the main roles. Some of them manage to shine, playing secondary characters. Among such actresses, famous for the whole world due to secondary roles, and American Jane Lynch, films with which participation, no doubt, at least once anyone saw. Her incredible talent has helped her for many years to create non-trivial and memorable characters, many of which fell in love with viewers around the world.

Childhood and youth

Jane Lynch is from Dolton, Illinois, froma typical American family in which the father earned his living by working in one of the local banks, and the mother was engaged in housekeeping and raised children. After graduation at school, Lynch decided to devote herself to theatrical art and entered the University of Illinois.

jane lynch
After completing her studies, the actress received a diplomabachelor's degree in theater. Deciding to continue her studies, Jane Lynch moved to New York and entered Cornell University in the Faculty of Arts.

The beginning of the acting career

Her professional career began incomedic role, becoming one of the permanent members of The Second City. However, the irrepressible creative character of Jane Lynch demanded self-expression, and soon on the stages of many theaters the play "Oh, Sister, My Sister" based on the script of Jane herself, and also with her in the title role was successfully staged. This play was not something unusual, out of the ordinary, but the plot and the actor's game appealed to both spectators and theatrical critics.

Inspired by the first success, Jane Lynch decidedtry yourself not only on stage, but also in the cinema. Possessing a pleasant and expressive American appearance and a fairly athletic figure, Jane Lynch (the growth of the actress - 183 centimeters) easily embodied on the screen completely different characters, each of which was unique. Thanks to this versatility, Jane managed to participate in almost all the most vivid series of the nineties, as well as some films, although on secondary roles. In total since the late eighties Jane Lynch has played in cinema and on TV about one hundred and thirty roles. Among the projects she participated in, the series "The X-Files", "Friends", "Gilmore Girls", "Desperate Housewives" and many others.

Participation in the project "Two and a half people"

Despite the incredible demand,A major breakthrough in the career of Jane Lynch did not happen until 2004, when she got a role in the television series "Two and a half people." Her character - psychiatrist Dr. Linda, liked the audience very much, and the actress entered the permanent composition of the sitcom. In 2010, for this role, she was even nominated for the Emmy, but she did not get the award in this nomination, but she got it for taking part in another television series - Hor.

The series "Choir"

Well proven in the project "Two withhalf the person ", the actress began to be removed in parallel and in other serials. So, she successfully passed the tests for the role of Joyce in the television series "Word on the letter L" (the original name is "The L word") - about the life of lesbians. But the real success for the actress was the role of the inexorable and persistent Sue Sylvester from the television series "Chorus".

jane lynch movies
It was this role that brought Jane the fervent love of viewers, the worldwide popularity, Golden Globe, Emmy and many other prestigious awards.
jane lynch
Fans of the actress very often identify her with the character of Sue, although the actress herself often claimed that in real life she did not feel like her.

It is noteworthy that after success on televisionthe actress was much more likely to shoot in the movie, though, on secondary roles. In many famous paintings of the past, you can see Jane Lynch. Films "Sex: a secret material", "School of survival of graduates", "Julie and Julia: preparing happiness according to the recipe", "Another story about Cinderella" and others today is difficult to imagine without her participation, and although her roles are small, all of them unforgettable and impressive.

Jane Lynch: personal life

Speaking about this actress, it's difficult to get around hersexual orientation, since the actress is a lesbian and does not hide it. However, according to her confession, it was not always so. In her youth, Jane Lynch tried to struggle with her feelings that were overwhelming her and was ashamed of them. Because of this, she even turned away from her friend, who was a homosexual. Now, when the actress has understood herself and accepted her essence, she regrets such an act.

Interestingly, sometimes Jane Lynch has to play lesbians on the screen. So, in the film "Sex: a secret material" she played a waitress trying to seduce a girlfriend of one of the main characters.

jane lynch personal life
She also played a lesbian in the TV project "Word on the letter L".

Jane Lynch and Lara Embry: a love story with a sad ending

2009 brought the actress not only participation in theproject "Choir", but also a meeting with Dr. Lara Embry. At that time, the actress was already 49 years old, and her passions - only 41. The fasting romance quickly turned into a serious relationship, and a year later, on Memorial Day, women in love went to Massachusetts and married there (in other states at this time it was impossible to register same-sex marriages).

jane lynch and lara embryos
Unfortunately, a happy marriage lasted onlyfour years, after which Jane Lynch wanted to divorce. At the same time, her enterprising wife tried to seize from the actress a decent portion of her property, and also to get Jane to pay her lawyer's services and to pay her ninety-three thousand dollars every month for four years. However, the actress managed not only to save her property from encroachments, but also to reduce the amount of monthly payments to forty thousand.

Other achievements of the actress

In addition to achievements as an actress, Jane Lynchtried her hand at the role of writer, releasing in 2011 an autobiographical book "Happy catastrophes." In addition, the actress got her own star on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood.

jane lynch growth
Also, Jane is often invited to participate in various TV shows. It was she who led the sixty-third Emmy Award Ceremony.

The life of Jane Lynch has never been simple, likeher path to recognition. Both professionally and personally, it faced ups and downs. Despite this, she courageously overcomes all difficulties and looks optimistically to the future.

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