Renewable energy sources. Importance of use
Under the close attention of scientists in the lasttime renewable energy. The time has come that made us think about tomorrow and clearly understand that the use of Earth's minerals can not be infinite.
Renewable energy sources (RES)
Types and applications
Renewable energy sources consist of several main components:
- The sun. In this case, the received stream is used directly through solar panels. The transformation of electromagnetic radiation allows you to have at the output electrical or thermal energy.
Wind. With the help of wind generators or windmills, the kinetic energy of the air mass is converted into a thermal or electric current. Where such renewable energy sources are introduced, coal is saved up to 29,000 tons and oil is about 92,000 barrels per year. - Geothermal waters. Hot-source geothermal sources are used as a coolant for thermal power plants. GeoTES is being built in the area of volcanically active zones, where water approaches the surface of the ground and has an outlet temperature of boiling. These underground sources are located at a relatively shallow depth, and access to them is through wells drilled.
- Water. The construction of power plants allowed the use of water flow as a source of energy. To use the potential of waves, wave power stations are built, the specific power of which exceeds the capacity of wind and solar installations.
The National Laboratory of Denmark prepared a report,where it was said that by 2050 the world will be able to switch to receiving energy with a very low level of carbon emissions. At the same time, its cost will be much less than the cost of extracting natural resources from the depths of the earth.