/ / Natalia and Natalia: what is the difference between these women's names

Natalia and Natalia: what is the difference between these women's names

A ringing, and at the same time very gentle name, inwhich can be heard the murmur of a stream, the rustle of fresh leaves, the warm spring breeze is felt. Another 20-30 years ago, three girls from ten were called Natasha, Natusya, Natki. For some reason today the name of Natalia is less and less common. Perhaps, parents can not decide how to name the daughter? After all, there are two options: Natalia and Natalia. What is the difference, and are there any semantic differences in these names? Let's try to figure it out.

History of origin of the name

The name Natalia in Latin means "native,born. " For example, the Italian Santa Claus is called Babbe Natal - a Christmas grandfather. It is not accidental that the medical institutions involved in family planning are called perinatal centers. In the root of "natal" there is clearly a connection with motherhood, birth. The name in various variations is found in many peoples of the world. In England, France, Germany - it's Natalie. In the Spanish-speaking countries, as well as in Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania ─ all the same, familiar to us, Natalia.

Natalia and Natalia what's the difference

Where did the soft sign come from?

Why in Russia, and all post-Sovietspace, there is a variant of a name with a soft sign in the penultimate syllable? The version that Natalia is a common name, and in noble families, the girls were called exclusively Natalia, does not stand up to any criticism. It is enough to look at the biography of the wife of the great Pushkin: N.N. Goncharova, as well as her mother and daughter, were called Natalia. Most likely, the difference between the names Natalia ─ Natalia look useless, and is there anyway? It is possible that a soft sign appeared in the ending for the convenience of pronunciation. In other languages, such a letter is simply missing.

Famous women named Natalia

Scrolling through paper magazines and pagesInternet, you can find information about many of our contemporaries, who are called Natalia. These are well-known actresses, journalists and politicians. Let us recall at least brilliant stars of Soviet and Russian cinema: Krachkovskaya, Gundareva, Kustinskaya, Seleznev, Varley, Gvozdikov. Of course, we will not be able to look at their passports, but in those sources that are available to the general public, their name is written with a soft sign ─ the same as Natalia Vodyanova's model, former Crimean prosecutor Natalya Polonskaya, TV presenter Natalya Semenikhina. In any case, one can not ignore the beloved domestic audience Natalia Oreiro.

name Natalia

And the singer Natasha Koroleva is called at birthnamed after Natalia. And although the Russian pop diva is Ukrainian by nationality, this does not explain anything. Except for one - this was the will of the parents of little Natasha. In the Slavic languages, the line between the meaning of the names Natalia and Natalia is practically erased. What is the difference, can explain unless you appeal to Christian traditions.

Writing of female and male names, according to church canons

In the sacred books describing the lives of saints,many names are inscribed somewhat differently than when used in secular life. Compare: Sofia and Sofia, Maria and Marya, Tatiana and Tatiana. As you can see, the soft sign is not used anywhere. From this the names acquire a more sublime, solemn sound. The same applies to masculine names, even when there is no soft sign in them, consonant sounds are replaced by vowels, "and" by "e" or vice versa: Alex and Alex, Ilya and Elijah, Ivan and John, Semyon and Simeon.

Natalia and Natalia are different names

From the fact that words are perceived by earin another way, their semantic load does not change. Under this rule, obviously, the names are Natalia and Natalia. What is the difference, it is easy to answer ─ in writing and pronunciation. But this does not mean that these names are interchangeable. If the girl's parents were called Natalia, then you need to stick to this option in all official papers that prove your identity.

Writing proper names, following the letter of the law

With all the identity of some names, it is impossibleto allow the replacement of letters when filling in passport forms, certificates of graduation from school, university diplomas and other documents. Often, such a mistake is made by employees of public institutions. From a legal point of view, Natalia and Natalia are different names. For example, a woman with a driver's license in the name of Natalia Ivanova can rightly be accused of an offense if in her passport it appears that she is Natalia.

how is the name of Natalia or Natalia

Similar problems often arise when removingfunds from bank accounts, receipt of pensions and benefits, inheritance disputes, registration of foreign passports and travel documents, and in many other cases when some careless officials shrug their shoulders in surprise: “Natalia and Natalia? What is the difference? But when contacting another government agency, this difference will be noticed immediately, and paperwork with re-issuance of documents will be delayed for an indefinite time. Sometimes it is necessary to make such changes through the court, they surely know how to correctly: the name Natalia or Natalia must be recorded in exact accordance with the data specified in the birth certificate.

Nataline Day in Orthodoxy

Perhaps not everyone knows, but Natalia hasyour day of the year (September 8), dedicated to the memory of Natalia Nikomidiyskaya and her husband Adrian. These Great Martyrs belong to the early Christian saints. The events that occurred with the couple, date back to the IV century of our era. It is described that Natalia, being brought up in God's obedience, married a heathen named Adrian. The Christians were then persecuted, and the emperor of those lands, Maxim Galerii, cruelly dealt with the adherents of the new teaching.

difference names Natalia Natalia

Natalia's husband served as the head of the court chamberwhere they brought martyrs for interrogation for the faith of the Lord. Inflamed with the steadfastness of these people, Adrian also adopted Christianity, for which he was tortured and executed. Natalia until the last supported the spouse in his sufferings and asked that he, once in the kingdom of God, beg the death of the Almighty and for her. A few days later, after burying the body of her husband, the woman passed away. And although she did not suffer physical torment, the church canonized Natalia for her spiritual torment. Great martyrs Adrian and Natalia are considered patrons of the family and a happy marriage.

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