/ / The epicenter of the earthquake is ... The magnitude of the earthquake

The epicenter of the earthquake is ... The magnitude of the earthquake

An earthquake is called any shakeThe surface of the planet that arises suddenly. It occurs because of the passage through the bark of seismic waves. The epicenter of an earthquake is a place where shaking starts. From it in all directions will spread the fluctuations, which often bring a lot of problems to mankind.

Most earthquakes rarely happenstrong, but this occurs. As a result, there are human casualties, as well as destroyed or completely destroyed property. Countries and states have to spend a lot of money to repair damaged cities.

Types of earthquakes

In modern times and the recent past (the last century), seismic activity could have been caused by two different causes:

  1. Natural phenomena. These can be earth plate shifts, geological faults, and volcanic activity. As a rule, it is impossible to predict when and where such an event will occur. And even with the most modern technological devices. Scientists can draw conclusions only on the basis of data on past seismic activity.
  2. Phenomena caused by the activities of mankind. It can be destruction in mines or mineral deposits, nuclear explosions or experiments.

earthquake epicenter is
Direct attention should be paid directlyto the fact that natural causes are extremely rare, but it is impossible to exclude them completely, of course. As for the activities of people, it often affects the state of the planet, which responds to them by various disasters, including earthquakes.

Definition of the epicenter

Shakes of the planet occur virtually everyday, only they are so minimal that a person can hardly feel them. Therefore, it is often quite difficult to determine exactly where the epicenter of the earthquake is located. This is done on the basis of data obtained from seismographs installed at three different stations. Either these devices can be used within a single scientific enterprise.

large earthquakes
In fact, relevant contemporary scientistsall existing seismic belts are known. That is why they can locate stations so that there is always the possibility to quickly determine the epicenter. It is easy to cope with such a task only if the earthquake is strong and has affected a vast territory.

The precise definition of epicenters is an important taskseismographs. This is due to the fact that they are repeated from time to time. Therefore, the more accurately the data are obtained, the better it will be possible to calculate the probability of the following oscillations.

The strength of the earthquake

In order to determine the strength of oscillations of the plates of the planet, two quantities are required:

  1. Magnitude.
  2. Intensity.

The magnitude of the earthquake is determined byseismograph. It turns out, based on the energy with which the plates oscillate, and the amplitude. The strength of the earthquake will depend on the second indicator. The remaining parameters also affect damage or destruction, but to a lesser extent.

earthquake occurrence
The intensity of the earthquake isshaking ground directly on the surface. That is, the epicenter can be located deep under the bark. And when the vibrations break out, they can lose their power. Thus, the focus of an earthquake can be strong, but it will decrease until it reaches the place where humanity lives.

As for strength, there is a scale of 12points. The first is not felt by anyone. Starting with 4 points, a person not only feels shaking, but also damage to various objects, for example, dishes or glass. And the 11-12 level is felt strongly, as everything that people have ever built is destroyed.

How to find the epicenter

Since the epicenter of the earthquake is the beginningshaking and oscillation, it is not always possible to find it quickly. Everything will depend on how modern the station is equipped with a seismograph. He is engaged in fixing activity. First, the P waves are picked up, followed by S. The L most recently recorded. These waves play a decisive role in the damage level. Accordingly, the more sensitive the seismograph, the faster it will be possible to catch fluctuations, and, probably, to evacuate the most part of people.

earthquake magnitude
Scientists are still trying to answer the question,where the next earthquake will occur. However, it is difficult to calculate, it is often not even possible. At least until the more sensitive seismographs are developed with respect to the present.

The most destructive earthquakes of the 21st century

Unfortunately, in nature there are earthquakes,the occurrence of which has a destructive effect. This happened in Japan in 2011. Then, on March 11, shaking started 9 points. It not only claimed the lives of thousands of people, but also caused an accident at the Fukushima-1 nuclear station. For this reason, many more people suffered than from the usual earthquake.

A little earlier, in 2010, a strong shaking (7 points) also occurred on the island of Haiti. According to modern data, 200 thousand people died, and the capital was completely destroyed.

seismic activity
In 2008, a catastrophe occurred in China. Then seismographs recorded 8 points. The victims were about 70 thousand people, but only because the shaking began in the province. If it was a large city, then a lot more people would die.

Large earthquakes are rare, not more than once a year. But small shocks are recorded by particularly sensitive seismographs almost every day.


Thus, the epicenter of the earthquake is thea point that gives rise to seismic vibrations. Modern instruments allow you to quickly find the place in question. The collection of such information will be required so that scientists seismographs can subsequently determine the occurrence of earthquakes. Accordingly, these data will allow timely warning of people, take measures to minimize human and property losses.

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