/ / Olesya Zhurakovskaya: biography and the creative path of the actress

Olesya Zhurakovskaya: biography and the creative path of the actress

She is a talented actress and charmingfemale. As a child, Olesya did not even suspect how her fate would turn out. She did not dream of working in a theater or acting, she did not think that she would hear the applause of satisfied spectators. To reveal the actor's talent helped the case.

Now it is not necessary to tell who Olesya isZhurakovskaya. The biography of this talented woman is known to many. She is a popular Ukrainian actress of theater and cinema. And also the leading TV show "Zvazhenі ta schaslivi".

Olesya Zhurakovskaya

Childhood Olesya

Olesya was born in Kiev in 1973. Her birthday is celebrated on August 13th. Her parents were in no way associated with art. My father built the roads of his native Kiev, and my mother worked at the factory as a seamstress. In the off-time I sewed clothes to order. Olesya's elder sister was a calm and quiet girl. When her mother became pregnant the next time, the family was waiting for the appearance of the boy. But one more daughter was born. By nature and temperament Olesya was the complete opposite of her older sister. She loved to play boys' games, conquered the crowns of trees, climbed over the fences and fences, she was mischievous. Parents often scolded their youngest daughter for her non-girlish behavior and scolded when she participated in fights or without experiments conducted matches.

Artistry Olesya manifested itself in childhood. She loved climbing into a chair and telling poetry, she danced with pleasure and organized home concerts with her sister. Then no one suspected what famous in the future will Olesya Zhurakovskaya.

Mom girl after school insisted that the daughterwent in her footsteps and learned to sew on a seamstress. To argue Olesya did not become and entered the technical school. She studied diligently. The girl was often invited to take part in the organization of student holidays and concerts. Artistry Olesya always praised, she received many compliments from satisfied viewers.

Olesya Zhurakovskaya photo

Student of GITIS

Become an actress Oles helped case. Her friend wanted to go to GITIS. Zhurakovskoy she suggested to go with her for the company and also try to pass the entrance examination. Of course, Olesya agreed.

At first, things did not go as they wanted togirls. On the first exam they were late. Olesya appeared before the examiners in disheveled form, without make-up. It seemed that such untidiness can cause negative emotions in the examiners. But the talent can not be hidden. Olesya read a passage from Gogol's play and sang a Ukrainian song. The examining committee was fascinated by her talent. And here she is - a student.

Of course, Olesya Zhurakovskaya was glad thatReceived. Now she has the opportunity to develop talent and acting skills. But lack of money and life in an uncomfortable hostel brought sadness and gloomy thoughts. However, the girl was so carried away by the development of a new profession for her that all domestic problems were moved to a secondary plan. In 1996, she received a diploma. Since then, I decided to devote myself to the acting profession.

Olesya Zhurakovskaya personal life

Living in Moscow and returning to his native Kiev

After receiving a diploma, she got a job in the theater. Ermolova and worked here for about 2 years. At that time the theater actors did not have a job. Olesya was disappointed that her talent was not noticed by the Moscow audience.

After a while she marrieswealthy and promising businessman. But for a short time was a happy wife Olesya Zhurakovskaya. Personal life did not work out. In 2001, the couple divorced, and the girl decided to return to her native city to Ukraine.

After returning to Kyiv Olesya settles downactress in the left-bank theater of drama and comedy. Her talent and high professionalism were noticed by the leadership from the very first speeches. On the stage of the theater, she played the role of strong-spirited or emotional women.

The actress of cinema

A temperamental actress with lush forms andthe extraordinary plastics in Moscow were interested in the directors. She was invited to do a movie. The first role - in the series "The birthday of the bourgeois". Appeared only in the episode of Olesya Zhurakovskaya. Filmography of the actress for today - more than 60 films.

Olesya Zhurakovskaya filmography

In 2001, the actress was offered to play one of the main characters in the film "Provincial Romance." His heroine - Tamara - she showed very professionally.

Directors and film critics liked howlooked Olesya Zhurakovskaya in the frame, as she quickly reincarnated and got used to the role. But until 2003, she was invited to the cinema only for episodic roles. After the comedy "For Two Hares" was released, the audience saw and appreciated the acting talent of Zhurakovskaya. Olesya was invited to appear in different genres of films. Since 2004 she is constantly on set. And episodic and insignificant roles she almost did not play. Her characters are different.

The brightest films in which Olesya Zhurakovskaya starred were: "Milkmaid from Khatsapetovka", "While the village is asleep", "Husband for an hour", "The house with lilies", the series "Gorchakov".

Remembering, she says that all the works were bright and interesting. But participation in the series "Matchmakers" was especially remembered. Yes, and she became famous, having played Xenia Pavlovna.

The role of Xenia Pavlovna in the series "Matchmakers"

Until 2010, she starred in many films. But the popularity and fame for Oles came with the release on the television screens of the fourth season "Matchmakers". This series from the very first series fell in love with the audience.

The heroine of Zhurakovskaya is Xenia Pavlovna. According to the story, she was the leader of the company "Carey May" and was engaged in the sale of cosmetics. Her heroine is a woman full of strength, able to convince and involve new customers in her business. She is single-minded and confident. In the shooting of the fifth and sixth seasons of "Matchmakers" Olesya Zhurakovskaya also took part. Photos of the actress after the release of this series often appeared in magazines and other printed publications.

olesya Zhurakovskaya biography

Participant of TV show and presenter

In 2009, fans of the TV project "Dancing for You" waited for the second season of the show. Olesya Zhurakovskaya was among the participants. She danced in a pair with A. Maibenko.

In 2012 she was invited to conduct a Ukrainian television project "Zvazhenі ta schaslivi". She agreed. The presenter with magnificent forms liked the Ukrainian audience.

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