/ Animals of the Red Book of the Leningrad Region. List, photo

Animals of the Red Book of the Leningrad Region. List, photo

Red book areas exist for everyonecounty separately. This document was created on the initiative of the International Union for the Conservation of Animals in 1966, and eight years later appeared on the modern territory of Russia, part of the Soviet Union. Separately for the Leningrad region, the publication was formed during the period from 1999 to 2002.

animals of the red book of the Leningrad region

Sections of the book

Red Book pages contain the following sections: extinct species, disappearing, rare, little studied, and also restored. A total of 558 living creatures and 528 plants were recorded, including 151 fungi, 49 lichens, 71 algae, 56 bryophytes, 201 vascular.

Vertebrate animals that are on the brink of extinction

Vertebrate animals of the Red Book of the Leningrad Region are represented in the following categories:

  • Amphibians and amphibians - cricket fusel and scabby.
  • Bony fishes - the white-eyed, the Volkhov and the swan whitefish, the chub, the bitter, the asp, the trout, the sculpin, the palia, the finta. Among the more famous are the catfish and the lake salmon.
  • Cyclostomes are the lamprey of the sea.
    garden shed
  • Mammals of the Red Book - the shrew is small,Red otter, roe deer, European roe and mink, black rat, double-skinned leather, flying squirrel, water moth, moustached, pond, Natterter, ringed seal, common and underground volcano, wolverine, gray seal. This is the second largest category of animals. They also include a garden sledge, which is representative of the species of rodents. It lives mainly in places with a thick deciduous planting in European territories. He leads a nocturnal life. The ration is made up of smaller rodents, eggs and chicks. These mammals of the Red Book inhabit and feed mainly on trees, arranging a house on branches or in a hollow. The breeding season lasts from late spring to mid-autumn. Cubs ripen in utero for 23-28 days, in the litter on average three to five. In southern regions, this can occur twice a year. The cubs are born blind and catch sight after 3 weeks. Adult individuals fall into hibernation. Here such interesting animals are the Red Book of the Leningrad Region.
    red book of the Leningrad region animals and plants
  • Birds are the most large-scale category. It includes almost all known birds. The most common of these are the white and black stork, the top, the bittern, the turtledove, the golden eagle, the Dubrovnik, the canary finch, the green woodpecker, the three-toed and gray-haired, the partridge white and gray, the doe, the spindle, the forest lark, the kuksh, the mustachioed broom, the garden oatmeal , gray duck, Siberian and common eider, swan tundra and klikun, pecanka, gray goose and many others.

mammals of the red book

Invertebrate animals on the verge of extinction

Invertebrate animals of the Red BookThe Leningrad Region contain in its category mollusks. The most famous among them are two species of pearl - elongated and northern European. This is the second largest category. The first place is occupied by arthropods, which include: broad-leaved, grasshopper, black and white androd, black and white, hornbill and a stick, a swamp and a hero, a blindfold, lilac and aspen, a peacock eye, a machaon, an Apollo, a silkworm.

red book pages

It is extremely rare to find a scoop of the majorityvarieties, for example, stem, field Illyrian, heather, puhogonnaya, earthen, finnish, as well as grassy, ​​cattail, reed, bluish, striped. These and many other representatives, unfortunately, can be seen in this edition, leafing through the pages of the Red Book.

This category also includes annel worms, for example, Leydig's amphichete, Nais, Heusher potamotrix, Propalkus Wolf, and others.

The Red Book of the Leningrad Region: Animals and Plants

All representatives of fauna and flora in this book forconveniences are divided into classes. Those, in its turn, into categories. The second large section of the Red Book is devoted to plants. In categories it is divided into vascular, lichens and fungi, mosses and algae. The first include numerous angiosperms, as well as ferns. Among the most famous representatives are the low birch, the forget-me-not branchy branch, the Bologna bell, the violet of three species - Dortman, short-haired and Selkirka, sand carnation, dioecious valerian, gentian gentian, golden-thousandard beautiful, ordinary and seaside, and blue honeysuckle. All these and many other plants included in the Red Book belong to the angiosperm species. Among the ferns are representatives such as vudsia, goloconchik, four types of grapes - simple, virgin, chamomile and lanceolate. And also the Brown's multi-row and prickly, the Siberian eagle and the rhizome.

Seaweeds of the Red Book of the Leningrad Region

Algae include:

  • Brown, they are the most famous. These include diktiosifonukrupovidny, pseudolitoderma, rafsia, stiktiosifon twisted, fucus and elahist.
  • Diamond, which includes diatoms of two varieties - medium toothed and winter, gonfonema Kleve, brachisira serial, zatotoshnovnaya pynnuria, bifacial neideum, etc.
  • The reds are represented by the batrachospermum as clear-cut and hilbdenbrandtia.
  • To the yellow-green are ranked the two werewolves - schleicher and deployed.
  • Blue-green (radiocystis, anabena curved,Isachenko, Ukrainian, Sedov, ellipsoid, hyella, planktotriks reddish, nodularia thick, fornia striated, plum-like, meandering aphonizomenon and others).
  • Liver diggers. They are represented by bazanium trilobate, annelleia Finnish, anastrophilic rock, Taylor millet, metzheria forked, marsupellum scorched, measuring wintering, frulli, ricciocarp floating, riccia porous. They also include the canopy.
  • Green and charcoal algae.

red area books

Moss-like plants of the Red Book of the Leningrad Region

The following is a category of moss-likeplants, numbering a few dozen representatives of this species. Such as, for example, hairy dichelica, field brachythetsia, dimorphic heteroclades, grimmia in two varieties - Ramonda and high, and many others.

Mushrooms of the Red Book of the Leningrad Region

Lichens and fungi are divided into Ascomycetes (Lobariapulmonary and calcareous, Deriger's Peltiger and hill and friend.), mucus (diaghea, denderma and others), second in number of names, and basidial, represented in the largest number of representatives. These include the hygrophor of four varieties - ashy white, hyacinth, papyrus, kohonena, spits, entoloma of 6 types and many others.

A small conclusion

To monitor the number of living beings andplants, as well as to protect endangered species created by the Red Book. The list, unfortunately, continues to replenish with time. Many factors contribute to this. The main ones are: the activity of poachers, the deterioration of the ecology, as well as the normal presence of humans in the habitats of animals and birds.

Animals of the Red Book of the Leningrad Region, asand representatives of fauna in other regions, need constant protection. Some species can not be helped. However, there are those whose numbers can still be maintained.

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