/ How to seal rubber boots? Methods of repairing rubber shoes

How to seal rubber boots? Methods of repairing rubber shoes

Virtually every person in the wardrobethere is a pair of rubber boots. Like any thing, rubber shoes crack with time. In order not to throw away your favorite pair, you can try to repair it. How to seal rubber boots, described in the article.

Preparation of boots for repair

To damage the rubber shoes, enough nails, a small piece of glass or even a pebble with an acute angle. One bad step, and the boot can get cracked.

Repair shops do not accept rubber shoes. This means that damaged boots can either be thrown away or repaired by yourself.

How to glue rubber boots is a common question, the answer to which lies in the knowledge of some features of carrying out such repairs.

First, determine the location of the puncture orcracks. To do this, you can take a container with water and a damaged boot. Collapse the freebie, starting with the top edge, like a tube of toothpaste. Should get a tight bundle. Then lower the sole into the water. From the place with a puncture, air will escape, forming bubbles.

The next stage of preparation is compulsorycleaning boots from dirt and dust, degreasing and drying. It is recommended to dry the shoes away from heat sources. Drying rubber boots on batteries can lead to deformation, which will spoil their appearance and complicate the process of restoration. All manipulations should be done carefully, so as not to increase the size of the damage.

Then, the material fromwhich made the boots. Modern rubber shoes for women are made not only from rubber, but also from polyurethane, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA). For each of these materials you need different glue.

If you independently determine the material of the boots is difficult, you can take them with you to the store, where a specialist can quickly determine what shoes are made of.

how to seal rubber boots

Than you can glue rubber boots

Many for gluing cracks on rubber bootsimmediately buy a universal hard glueing adhesive, known as the "Moment". In fact, the composition of this tool not only does not glue the rubber, but it can also spoil it. A good result can not be achieved with conventional glue.

Repair of rubber boots should be carried outspecial glues. High-quality products can be found in car and fishing stores. In this case, it is possible to purchase adhesives with a hermetic effect. They allow you to reliably glue cracks of any size and at the same protect your shoes from leaking.

The choice of a suitable adhesive depends on the technology of the work. To date, there are several methods of restoring rubber shoes.

rubber shoes for women

Method of Fishermen

In fishing and hunting stores are soldspecial rubber adhesives. They contain instructions, which describe in detail the technology of application of the tool. For rubber boots, it is generally recommended to sand the surface with damage and glue the patch.

How to glue rubber boots if they are madefrom EVA? This material has a porous structure, into which the adhesive is absorbed. To repair such boots patches are not needed. It is enough to apply the necessary amount of glue on the crack line and press it tightly. The pour point of the product is indicated by the manufacturer on the package. After gluing the boots will look like new, and the place with the defect will remain invisible.

repair of rubber boots

The method of cyclists

This method is tested by many amateursbicycle riding, which often face the problem of a broken chamber. To repair the wheels, the bicycle repair kit is mainly used, consisting of patches on protective films, special rubber glue and sandpaper.

According to this technology, it is necessary to rubsandpaper the place on which the patch will fall, degrease with acetone and apply glue evenly. In a few minutes, you need to patch and hold tight.

The method of bicycle repair is reliable and guarantees high tightness. You can use glued boots almost immediately.

The disadvantage of this method is considered unaesthetictype of repaired product. At the place of gluing remains a bicycle patch, which you can not overlook. Therefore, in this way it is better to glue boots for dacha or fishing.

than you can glue rubber boots

Automotive method

Many women ask how to glue rubberboots on the bend so that it was not noticeable. Shoes made of rubber or EVA most often crack along fold lines. Patching in such places is not always suitable and can spoil the appearance. Rubber shoes for women require a more accurate repair, which can provide an elastic glue-sealant. It has a colorless viscous structure and is ideal for repairing colored and transparent rubber boots.

Today, automotive adhesives of various manufacturers are on sale. One of the best is the "Ochomelnye pens" sealant from Done Deal. You can buy glue of this brand in any store for motorists.

Before applying the elastic bonding agent, it is necessary to treat the puncture or crack with acetone. After drying, apply glue.

how to seal rubber boots on a fold

Features of gluing soles

Shoes made of rubber can be damaged in the areasoles. How to glue a cut on a rubber boot? In this case, you can use any of the methods described above. Only preparation for gluing should pass a little differently. First of all, it is necessary to process the cut site on the sharpening machine. The surface to be treated must be perfectly smooth. If this step is missed, the repair will not give a good result. Then you should follow the technology of the chosen method.

To repair the soles it is better to useadhesives and sealants. Putting a patch in this place will not give a lasting result. When walking the patch will quickly wear off, and soon there will be a need to replace it.

how to glue a cut on a rubber boot

Recommendations for the care of boots

To repaired footwear has served as long as possible, it is important to know not only how to seal rubber boots, but also how to care for them.

  1. Periodically wipe the shoes with a cloth from a soft cloth moistened in water-glycerine solution.
  2. Dry rubber boots at room temperature away from batteries. Under the influence of hot air, the glued parts can become porous. As a result, the shoes can again leak.
  3. Every time after a walk, clean the boots with a damp cloth. Dirt and dust can eat into the rubber, leaving spots. They are especially noticeable on light shoes.
  4. Keep rubber boots better in a cardboard box. For this purpose it is recommended to keep the packaging in which they were sold.
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