/ / Choosing the Right Clothes: Emphasize the Strengths, Hide the Disadvantages

The Right Clothes Choice: Emphasize Virtues, Hide Weaknesses

After trying on a favorite thing,flawlessly sitting on a slender mannequin, and looking in the mirror, we are sometimes deeply disappointed. At the same time, the mood immediately disappears and the last signs of self-confidence disappear. "Oh, why am I not a model ?!" - we sighed heavily and left the store with nothing. A familiar situation, is not it?

Of course, on an impeccable figure will look great any outfits, whether it is short skirts, long coats from mouton or tight pants. But this does not mean that women, whose proportions do not fit into the generally accepted concept of "ideal", should drop their hands and wear horrible - not at all! Simply, choosing a wardrobe, you need to know what needs to be emphasized and what to hide. And if you do everything right, believe me, you can look no worse than a model.

First of all, one should pay attention to the cutclothes. Straight vertical lines visually lengthen the figure and slim. And horizontal, that is, transverse - shorten and expand the silhouette, as if cutting it into separate parts.

Full women should be preferredvertical lines and several elongated models of dresses, skirts, coats. The cut must be straight and slightly snug. To hide the excessive completeness will also help monochrome jackets or coats with one-piece sleeves and a collar. Deep or narrow notches with inserts from contrasting tissues will be appropriate.

And now about what, from which, with too much fullnessyou need to refuse. In no case should not wear fluffy and short or, conversely, overly tight outfits. Belts should be avoided altogether, replacing them with soft darts on the waist line. If, in addition to the fullness of a woman's still low growth, you should give preference to straight, uncoated dresses and coats along the waistline.

Indeed, with such a figure, the dress will look much better than a blouse and skirt. And certainly you do not need to think about how to buy leather jacket or jacket shortened style - these models visually reduce the growth, which is highly undesirable.

But full, but tall women may wellUse in clothes a combination of vertical and horizontal lines. They are perfect for semi-adjacent models, combined from two fabrics, differing in color.

Wide hips can be hidden under a straight, expanding to the bottom of clothing. It is quite permissible to have flounces or frills on the hem. Pleasing will also be a good option.

As you can see, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. Do not be afraid to experiment - only then will you be able to find the right image.

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