/ / Dress codes: rules and conditions

Dress codes: rules and conditions

Every year more and more attention is solidorganizations are drawn to dress codes. So the image of the company rises, and managers should be able to properly present their employees with such an innovation. The collective should not perceive this information in hostility and think that they are in some way infringed. The administration of the enterprise should know certain methods of introducing such requirements and be able to support the corporate style of the organization.

dress codes

Rules of the genre

Dress codes appeared in England for more than a centuryback. And now they are quite popular all over the world. Thus, the employees support the corporate culture of their company and are an important part of its brand. The official dress code has customers and positively influences the reputation of the company. It's no secret that a lot of attention today is paid to important meetings or negotiations, especially if they make serious decisions on them.

Seven times measure

The leader must think wellefficiency of such innovation. Dress codes help to achieve good results in work. Creative people do not need to wear any special clothes. This only can distract them from genius thoughts. Requirements for clothing should be presented to those employees who work directly with people.

official dress code

The manager can create a single companydress code. The photo above will help you decide on its elements. Men can be offered not only a suit, but also just strict trousers in combination with a shirt or a jumper. And women can wear classic pants or a skirt. Strong dresses are also quite acceptable. The main thing is that the colors should be calm. A strict condition for all must be strict shoes. Here you need to discuss the color in advance. Before introducing such changes, it is necessary to consult with the staff and decide together with them what kind of clothes they will be more comfortable working with. When you show such interest to them, they will react to this decision quite adequately, because they will make their choice.

Own shirt

dress code photo

The manager should clearly think over all hisactions. Each employee should be given instructions indicating their rights and responsibilities. Dress codes must match the style of the company. It is necessary to clearly identify those things that are strictly forbidden to wear. For example, shorts, tops and slippers should be strictly forbidden. It is necessary to clarify why such changes are needed. The financial issue is especially important. After all, not all employees have the opportunity to purchase the required clothes themselves. Large organizations bring its cost into a fairly high salary, some acquire it at the expense of the organization, and some after parts are deducted from wages. But, unfortunately, in our country, employees often buy it themselves. The leader needs to approach the solution of this issue very carefully and think about any compensation so as not to set up his subordinates against himself. And when hiring, you should immediately inform candidates about such requirements, so that afterwards they perceive this as the norm.

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