/ / Helena Christensen - a famous fashion model, actress, photographer. Biography of Helena Christensen

Helena Christensen is a famous fashion model, actress, photographer. Biography of Helena Christensen

Beautiful women always attract attentionsurrounding. And if they are also public people, I want to know about them as much as possible. Helena Christensen is a Danish supermodel that shone with its beauty on the fashion podiums and covers of glossy editions in the 90s. This article is written about it. After reading it, you will learn many interesting biographical facts about the famous beauty. Here you can admire its photographs.

helena christensen


Helena Christensen was born on December 25, 1968. Her family at that time lived in Copenhagen. Her father on a nationality - a Dane and flowed Peruvian blood in the mother's blood. From an early age Helena was fond of music. In dreams she saw herself as an actress, so a large amount of time to music lessons, studying classical literature and the rules of etiquette. When she was 9 years old, she tried her hand at the podium. This activity is very fascinated her, and subsequently became a matter of life.

Youth. The beginning of a stellar career

Helena Christensen (photo confirmation) -Very beautiful woman. In 1986, an eighteen-year-old young model took part in the beauty contest "Miss Denmark". And I got the main prize. After this success, she firmly decided to dedicate her life to the modeling business. Helena moved to permanent residence in Paris. There she starts working with photographer Friedemann House. This cooperation has brought good results. The girl is noticed in model circles, she gets more and more advantageous offers.

heelena kristensen photo

Helena Christensen: biography. Star hour model

At the beginning of the nineties the peak of Helena's glory falls. She is invited to participate in fashion shows the most famous brands: Chanel, Gianni Versace, Karl Lagerfeld, Nina Ricci and many others. Glossy magazines fought for the right to print a photo of the famous model. Her pictures could be seen on the main pages of such publications as Cosmopolitan, Maxim, Vogue.

The Victoria's Secret brand chose Helen as one of its Angels, representing the company, presenting the products of this brand in catalogs, exhibitions, shows.

In 1991, Christensen took part in the filming of musician Chris Isaac's video for the song "Wicked Game". This video was extremely popular with viewers and was included in the list of popular MTV clips.

In 1994, the girl was asked to act forthe Pirelli calendar. Only the most famous people came to the pages of this legendary edition. This is another fact of recognition of the popularity of Christensen society.

The well-known fashion model became famous as wellactress. In the period from 1992 to 2010, she starred in 17 films. The genre of these tapes is diverse: melodrama, fantasy, short films. In the work "Actress" she plays herself. Also it can be seen in the films "Allegro", "The shadow theater of Anton Corbijn".


Helena Christensen is the owner of the store,specializing in the sale of antiques. It is located in New York in Manhattan. In addition, the model, together with his friend Leaf Seegersen, created the trademark Christensen & Sigersen. They develop, sew and sell fashionable clothes. In New York, there is a boutique where you can buy works of Helena.

helena kristensen model

As a creative personality, Christensen continuesdevelop. She tries herself in photography. This it turns out. Work models appear in publications such as ELLE, Marie Claire. Her solo exhibition was held in London. The woman herself says that she can not decide in which genre of photography she likes to work more. She likes to shoot absolutely everything: nature, birds, people.

Personal life

Helen has long met with Michael Hutchens,leader of the "INXS" group. But these relationships never led to marriage. Later, Christensen had an affair with American actor Norman Ridus. As a result of this love a child has appeared. Helen's son was called Mingus. The date of his birth is October 13, 1999. True, relations with Ridus were short-lived. The pair breaks up. Later, the woman begins to meet with Paul Banks - the organizer of the American musical group "Interpol".


Helena Christensen - model, actress, photographer,designer. But, like any woman, she has simple hobbies. One of those is cooking. On rare days off, she loves to pamper herself and her son with delicious dishes prepared by her own hands. In addition, the former supermodel is fond of interior design. The decoration of her home, namely the design of the interior, she was engaged personally. And she has to turn around where, since Christensen's apartments are in Miami, Copenhagen, and New York.

heelena christensen biography

Helena is a very friendly and hospitable person, so her house is very often going to noisy companies. But most of her free time she tries to devote to her son and travel.

"The most beautiful body in the world" - so about HelenaChristensen told everyone the famous Gianni Versace. And he's right. And even today, at his age, the former supermodel can look attractive and charming. She is healthy, energetic, full of energy for work and creativity.

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