/ / Nitric Acid Silver

silver nitrate

Nitric acid silver - silver nitrate, or, asit is also called lapis, it has the appearance of transparent, completely colorless crystals. In form they resemble small sticks that dissolve well in water, and just as easily in alcohol. It is worth noting that the substance darkens under the influence of light, and with iodides, bromides, organic substances and chlorides and is not at all compatible.

silver nitrate

Nitric Acid Silver in Medicine

The use of nitric silver found inmedicine in the form of a lapis pencil for cauterization of various wounds, erosions, warts and other things. It is sometimes used in homeopathy. Silver nitrate is used in small amounts for anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, but it is necessary to be cautious about silver, because when you come into direct contact with silver, black spots remain on the skin, and burns occur for a long time.

The most commonly used silver is nitric acidtreatment of warts. Although the best results can be achieved in the case of small warts. Sometimes, of course, try to prune the lapis and large in size, but this process is not always effective - often there are relapses.

Nitric acid silver can also be used in the form ofsolution. In this case, it can be useful in the treatment of gastric ulcer, sometimes gastritis. Another solution of 2% silver nitrate is used to instill the eyes of newborns (for washing) and adults (treatment, prevention of conjunctivitis).

silver nitrate buy

Buy or make at home

After purchasing a pharmacy or making the nitric acidsilver? Buy already finished substance, which is suitable for all quality standards, of course, better. You will be sure of the received product, for which you will receive a guarantee. As for whether you can cook lapis at home, the answer is - of course you can. But as everywhere there are "buts". First, you must have a nitric acid (HNO3) and a silver object. Spoons, forks, chains, rings and other products will come from silver. Further the process is simple. It is necessary to place the selected silver object in a glass with nitric acid. The reaction will follow immediately. Silver will immediately begin to darken under the influence of acid, small bubbles of gas will start to form. Perhaps in the oxidation process the color of the liquid itself will change - this indicates that there were some impurities in the silver. If you want the reaction to take place more quickly, then put the cup with the solution in hot water.

silver nitrate

Now we take out the silver object, and the remaining onethe solution is placed on the refrigerator for half an hour to precipitate the precipitate. Through the allotted time we take out the crystals of silver nitrates formed, filter them and leave them to dry. That's the whole process of preparing silver nitrate.

Buy or do lapis yourself - it's up to you,remember that if the dosage is incorrect, you can adversely affect your health: get burns or poisoning. Do not forget that only specialists are able to make such a medicine that will help you with any disease and do not harm your health.

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