/ / How to wash the down jacket, so that the fluff will not go down? How to wash the down jacket manually

How to wash the down jacket, so as not to lose fluff? How to wash the down jacket manually

In the conditions of severe Russian winter, down jacket isperfect outerwear, which effectively protects against cold. In addition, it is also very convenient. Down jackets are worn by men and women and children. This wardrobe is made of sintepon, holofayber and fluff - these materials require a very careful attitude. Unfortunately, the above-mentioned outer clothing gets dirty quite quickly, so the question of how to wash the down jacket so that the fluff does not get lost, acquires paramount importance. Remember that any careless movement can damage the product. Of course, you can choose the easiest way to solve the problem - carry the clothes to dry cleaning. In this case, you do not have to puzzle over how to wash the down jacket, so as not to lose fluff. But as for the financial side of the issue, it should be noted that this service is not cheap. In one season, you will have to remove the dirt from the outer clothing several times, therefore, in order to save the means of the family budget, it makes sense to solve the problem yourself, how to wash the down jacket so that the fluff will not go down. The information stated in this article will help to keep the above-mentioned wardrobe item in its original form.

How to wash the down jacket, so as not to lose fluff

It is necessary to emphasize that if you want to get such an effect, you need to follow certain washing rules.

It should be remembered that it is easier to remove dirt from high-quality products because they have a double lining that does not allow feathers and fluff to come out.

Those who are concerned about how to washdown jacket, so as not to lose fluff, should also know: the quality outer material from which clothes are made, consists of both synthetic and natural fabrics, which means that it is easier to dry.

The most polluted places

As a rule, first of all the pockets are dirty,cuff, elbow zone and collar. How to wash the down jacket manually to eliminate this problem? On the area of ​​contamination, it is necessary to first apply the laundry soap, and then use stiff sponge to remove stains. Washing powder used in this case is not recommended, since it leaves a strong foam and poorly washed away.

Wash down in the washing machine

Machine washable

Did you decide to wash the down jacket in the washing machine? To begin with, you have to turn the clothes inside out and zip. Thus, you can protect the front side from mechanical damage, in addition, this measure will not allow you to get out fluff outside. Lightning should be buttoned up so that the clothing is not subjected to severe deformation. Only one product should be erased in one procedure. With other things, it is not necessary to put the outer clothing in the drum, since in case of improper washing all things will be in down and feathers, and you will not be able to wear them any more.

What you should always remember if you wantwash the down jacket in the washing machine? During the procedure, fluff is almost always stuck in lumps. To minimize such a risk, it is necessary to place several balls intended for playing tennis in the machine's drum.

Such a measure will give an opportunity to beat the outer clothing due to the fact that the balls will spin. Do not forget to wash them separately, if they are not new, of course.

If your family does not have fans of big tennis, then you can go to a household chemistry store and buy special balls of plastic.

Those who are particularly interested in the question of how to wash the down jacket in the vending machine, should know that the squeezing mode can be used, but not at high speeds.

How to wash a down jacket without a divorce

Optimum temperature for washing

Before putting the outer clothing in the drumwashing machine, you should carefully read the information on the product label. After that, you will know exactly the washing characteristics and the temperature regime, which, as a rule, varies from 30 to 40 degrees Celsius. However, do not forget that persistent impurities on the sleeves and pockets at this temperature are removed quite difficult, so you should first use the laundry soap, as described above.

How to wash the down jacket manually

How to remove stubborn stains

Of course, many are interested in the question of how to wash down at home if there are greasy spots on it.

In this case, a cleaning agent that will helpcan be prepared by yourself. You need to combine the following ingredients: starch (1 tablespoon), salt (1 tablespoon), lemon juice (1 tablespoon) and stir until a creamy consistency. Armed with a cotton pad, apply the resulting composition to the contamination area and leave for 10-15 minutes. Citric acid affects the stain, and salt removes dirt. After that, remove the salt residues, and then start washing clothes as usual.

We wash without a divorce

The quality of the laundry detergent also has a hugevalue if you want after the stain removal procedure to wear your favorite outerwear. In this connection, the question of how to wash the down jacket without divorce becomes paramount. The fact is that the powder is very poorly rinsed out of the above wardrobe, so the risk of divorce is very high. To solve the problem, you have to do a lot of rinses. However, leaks may form due to improper drying of the product.

Want to know how to wash the down jacket without getting divorced? The main thing that you need to remember is that you can not use dry powders, but rather choose liquid preparations that are designed for washing at a temperature of 30-40 degrees Celsius.

Also remember that the spin mode should match 600-800 revolutions, not more.

How to wash the down jacket in the machine

Means for washing

It should be noted that currentlycounters of shops exposed the widest range of liquid detergents and directly for down jackets. What to buy - it's up to you, but be aware that a standard liquid cleaner will eliminate pollution just as well as that specifically designed to remove stains from down jackets, it is important only that it is of high quality.


Do not know how to wash the down jacket manually? It should be noted that washing in manual mode is a more troublesome procedure than in automatic mode. However, the principle of work is that in the first, which in the second variant is the same. Again, use a detergent only in a liquid form. The temperature regime should correspond to 30-40 degrees Celsius. Also, after the procedure, you should repeatedly and thoroughly rinse the product to avoid divorce. Squeeze the outer clothing should also be carefully, so that it is not deformed. After the end of the procedure, the down jacket should be hung on the trembler to dry, while periodically shaking the clothes lightly so that the fluff takes its original place.

Such a measure will allow you after the drying of the jacket without special difficulty to evenly distribute the fluff.

How to wash your down jacket at home

Nuances of drying

As already emphasized, improper drying of clothes can also lead to the appearance of divorces.

Some housewives use for thisconventional heating batteries. It is better to refuse such a method, since such external fabrics as polyester and nylon do not allow air to pass through and during the rapid incandescence on the battery the fluff can simply rotate, resulting in an unpleasant odor from the outer clothing.

Others prefer to dry down jacketsdirectly on a towel, but this process takes a huge amount of time, besides, the fluff is kept in a wet state for a long time, which, again, can lead to rotting processes.

As soon as the clothes on the trempel are completely dry, remove them, once again evenly distribute the fluff and put them in the closet.

Observing the above recommendations, you can keep the down jacket in the form in which you bought it.

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