Complex of marketing communications: brokerage service
In its most general form, brokerage servicesis a complex of marketing communications and involves the provision of services for trading in securities and other assets, listing in trade networks, training and consulting on transactions with them, help in choosing a bidding strategy and forming an effective portfolio of shares. At the same time, shares and other assets that are the property of the client, on whose behalf they are operated, are transferred to them under the management of the broker. A person or organization that carries out a complex of marketing communications must have a license for the right to conduct brokerage activities.
Today, unfortunately, in the publicconsciousness still has a judgment that savings can be reliably saved only if they lie somewhere at home. This is a deeply erroneous idea, because now, in times of economic instability, money lying "under the pillow" can depreciate almost instantly. At the same time, there are many ways not only to save money, even in such an unstable time, but also to significantly increase its capital, which is what is involved, in particular, large trading networks, using brokerage services.
One of the most effective - to become a memberoperations on the stock exchange. How can I do that? The simplest answer is to become a shareholder and to participate in the exchange auctions yourself. But this will require serious special knowledge, without which it is very difficult to succeed on the exchange. An important role is played by the experience that comes with years of work in this financial and economic segment. It is here, quite by the way, will contact the company that provides brokerage services.
Unconditional advantage of brokerageservice is that it is a whole complex of marketing communications, and on the stock exchange you can get a higher return on assets than when they are placed in a bank that is familiar to us. Well, the main disadvantage of brokerage trading is that here the risks of securing the yield of securities are higher. There are also purely subjective risks associated, for example, with the choice of a brokerage company and a broker, and the broker's choice of a bidding strategy.
As you know, brokerage servicesis carried out at auctions on stock exchanges, which are electronic platforms for transactions with various assets. There are two such in Russia - the MICEX and RTS. The bulk of transactions are carried out on the MICEX, but on the RTS there is an urgent section for holding futures trading. The essence of trades is that people who want to sell shares submit applications to the system, after which they are automatically compared and, if they meet the requirements of the seller and the buyer, are also automatically satisfied.
A brokerage company that providesa complex of marketing communications and, among them, services for transactions, earn on a percentage of turnover, commission, or by setting a fixed price for services. Many brokerage companies provide their clients today with a list of multiple tariffs for brokerage services at various sites. These are plans for transactions on the MICEX Stock Exchange, RTS, SPB, tariff plans for transactions on the RTS urgent section, tariffs for information and operational services, depository services.
Brokerage services in securities marketsis carried out according to the tariffs, which are determined by the value of turnover for the trading session. Based on this principle, the tariff plans of the majority of the main brokers in the national asset market have been built, which are building their tariff policy, taking into account the greatest efficiency for their customers.