/ / Green hair at will and by coincidence

Green hair at will and by coincidence

Unusual shades of hair strike others. They look after you and look at an unusual hairdo. If you are not afraid of excessive attention, then green hair is a perfect variant of an outrageous style.

green hair
Green hair on request

It is better to first try tinting with a shade of shampoo or green mascara, which can be washed off without much effort. If the result is satisfactory, persistent paints can be used.

Not every woman can fundamentally change. And not always it is necessary. But a simple and effective way to stand out from the crowd - highlighting. Green hair looks great both in blondes and in brunettes. You just have to choose the right shade.

The paint stays on the hair for 2-3 months. so you need to carefully approach the choice of brand and the desired color. With a gentle-green range you will be a forest fairy. Such green hair is perfect for girls with fair skin and green eyes. They also decorate the brown-haired woman.

what color hair

To get a pronounced shade of darkhair is pre-clarified. For ringlets of warm tones, you need to select a green paint with a yellowish tint. Blondes with golden hair should choose emerald and salad tones. The color "green mint" falls beautifully on the ashy hair.

Green hair (photo) is very bright, so inavoidance of errors, it is better to leave the coloring to a specialist in the hairdressing salon. He will pick up the color and carry out all the necessary procedures. The curls will look magical after his work. But you need to take into account that on previously colored and natural strands the same color may look different.

Green hair by coincidence

And what about those women who got greenhair contrary to their expectations? After all, often we come across the fact that this shade appears after trying to paint a completely different color. Probably, many now will recollect, that at mixing of yellow and dark blue paint turns out green. The rule also applies in practice: if a girl with golden or red hair paints them in an ashy shade, what color of hair does she get? Correctly - green.

green hair photo

There are several more known cases when the green is shown:

  • use of decoction of nettle, olive oil;
  • application of henna, basma;
  • staining with poor-quality paints;
  • impact of chlorinated water (in the basin).

There are effective methods that eliminate the green color of hair:

  • washing with clean water (after the pool);
  • preliminary coloring in the red color scheme (for redheads);
  • application of tonic "Pink pearls" or paints "Golden blond";
  • application of anti-green shampoo.

Green color can be removed and using folk methods:

  1. Aspirin. 5 tablets diluted in 1 liter of warm water, rinse the head, after 15 minutes, wash the solution.
  2. Lemon or tomato juice. In a glass of water add 100 grams of juice, for 15 minutes applied to the hair and washed off.
  3. Soda. In a glass of warm water, dissolve a tablespoon of soda, rinse the hair with a solution, wash it off after 15 minutes.

That's it! Let your hair have only the desired color and look great!

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