/ / The coolest tattoos

The coolest tattoos

Paying tribute to the next fashionable trend, allmore representatives of both the female and male decorate their bodies with tattoos. Someone prefers small, barely noticeable tattoos in secluded parts of the body. Someone, on the other hand, has huge, bright, conspicuous drawings. In addition to the fact that each tattoo carries a certain meaning, many of them, made by skilled craftsmen, are real masterpieces. Consider the coolest tattoos.

The coolest female tattoos

A few years ago, tattoos were considereda purely masculine privilege, and often indicated that a person had been in prison. For today, tattoo is an art. And representatives of the beautiful half of humanity paint their bodies with might and main. It is generally believed that if a woman should have a tattoo, then it is tiny, or in such a place that no stranger will see it. This trend is outdated. And women, on a par with men, make themselves scale and very steep tattoos.

For example:

  • Voluminous colorful flowers, on the shoulders, forearms. Also they are made on hips and around the waist.

steep tattoos

  • Tattoo inscriptions. One of the newest fashion trends. You can write the names of your children or loved ones, beautiful phrases or philosophical expressions. The main thing that should be done when applying foreign inscriptions is to make sure of their correct translation and taming.

the coolest tattoos

  • Traditional small tattoos are a thing of the past. Beautiful ladies are ready to cover themselves from head to toe with graphics and original images.

steep tattoos

The coolest men's tattoos

If women themselves are making such masterpieces, thenthe stronger sex certainly does not lag behind, and everywhere on the bodies you can see the coolest tattoos for men. Recently, young masters often apply to tattoo artists with requests to cut off an old tattoo. The reasons are many - not a quality work done, lost meaning, unpleasant memories. And if earlier to reduce a tattoo was rather problematic, then for today in their place there are such pictures that the spirit captures.

Men in the trend have tattoos that occupy as much space as possible on the body.

steep tattoos for men

Colored, bright, juicy drawings are present on male bodies as well as on female bodies.

steep tattoos for men

Also, cool tattoos for men can be mixed.

steep tattoos for men

The coolest 3D tattoos

In addition to the standard, flat, native images, monochrome and color, there are incredibly realistic, 3D 3D tattoos.

Three-dimensional drawings on paper fascinate the looks and excite the imagination, and on the body, which look more impressive even more effectively.

The actual pictures in 3D format represent a kind of illusion when the image seems absolutely natural, but it remains just a drawing, not a three-dimensional object.

Some such tattoos can really shock, especially an unprepared person.

the coolest tattoos

Some on the contrary, look very attractive and even cute.

the coolest tattoos

3D design, of course, can only performreal professional. It is not enough to just draw a picture, the most important is to apply it to the skin in such a way that this very effect is maximum. Such work is very laborious and worth a lot of money. The master should be not just a tattoo artist with an experience, but a real artist and creator. In the absence of a certain education a person must have incredible talent. Otherwise, you can commit such errors, which if you can fix it, then it will be very difficult.

The coolest natal tattoos

Observing the latest newfangled trends, steep tattoos become an integral part of the life of a large number of people.

And, no matter how funny it is, when meeting andcommunication, young people are increasingly asking each other questions about tattoos and piercings. The marks on the body became a kind of status. If there is a tattoo, then you are in a trend. Of course, as in many other trends, the fashion for a tattoo will also decline over time. When typing a tattoo, one must always remember that it will remain on the body, most likely forever, and it is quite possible that over time it will lose its initial appearance.

After all, the coolest tattoos do not have to be huge or incredible. It can be quite pretty and very nice pictures.

steep tattoos

Or at all miniature inscriptions, but havinghuge meaning. As, for example, such almost invisible, but very steep tattoos on hand. An outsider can and will not pay attention to these letters, but for the spouses they carry an incredible sense. And it's really cool!

cool tattoos on hand

The coolest unusual tattoos

If we talk about the place of drawing, then, inmostly, people choose still more standard places, such as the neck, shoulders, forearms, back, chest, abdomen, hands and hands, hips, lower leg, feet. Someone draws pictures on a large scale at once. Someone makes a tattoo in the most intimate places. But there are such originals that believe that if you do a tattoo, then so that everyone around, at least, gasped. Of course, it is strange to count only on the perception and appreciation of others, because to carry it all the life is exactly the person who imbues it.

Nevertheless, there are such extremals. For example, here is an interesting man with a brick wall at the back of his neck.

the coolest tattoos

Or such a sweet lady, with an eye instead of her lips.

steep tattoos

It should be borne in mind that every person has his ownunderstanding of style, image, beauty and directly of what steep tattoos are. Where they should be located, what size to be and what sense to bear for the person himself and others.

Do tattoos or not - it's up to you!

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