/ How to make a manicure with rhinestones at home?

How to make a manicure with rhinestones at home?

Beautiful and fashionably dressed woman with well-groomednails, exquisite hairstyle and low-key makeup has always attracted the attention of men. In the olden days it was the grooming of the hands that could tell about the status of the lady. So, the white and delicate skin, processed nails, spoke of belonging to the aristocracy, and favorably distinguished the noblewoman from an ordinary servant.

Times are changing, and today almost everya woman can afford to run a household, while keeping her hands and nails in perfect condition. Someone visits the salons, and someone manages to get his hands in order at home.

manicure with rhinestones
Currently, there are many speciesmanicure: classical, Japanese, European, French, wedding and many others. You can decorate your nails differently, but the most common option is a French manicure with crystals or crystals.

Available in different colors, shapes, sizesrhinestone. They are glued to the nail plate, giving the manicure a unique design, and its owner a special attraction. Manifesting fantasy and giving vent to imagination, nails can be turned into a work of art.

Small rhinestones for nails can look like real diamonds. A manicure with rhinestones will be appropriate in any situation, be it a wedding, a corporate party or an ordinary family celebration.

Manicure with rhinestones: basic rules of good taste

French manicure with rhinestones
A girl or woman, determined to make herselfmanicure with rhinestones, must take into account that not always strewn with stones nails will look appropriate. There are a number of rules, knowing which, you can avoid ridicule and look really stylish, and not tasteless, or, even worse, vulgar.

  1. A business suit and a scattering of false stones on nails are incompatible things.
  2. Quite strange is a manicure with rhinestones combined with sportswear.
  3. Elegant evening dress of simple cut is quite suitable for a modest manicure with a minimum number of crystals.
  4. Wedding manicure is the case when the rhinestones look more than appropriate. True, there is one "but", the stones must be transparent, so that they do not stand out against the general background of a snow-white bride.

Manicure with rhinestones: size and shape matter

Rhinestones for nails
If the clothes are more or less clear, the question of choosing the quantity, size, color and shape of the stones remains open. Here, too, there are several points that need to be adhered to:

  • The shorter the nail plate, the smaller the size of the crystals;
  • large stones are suitable for long nails;
  • too many rhinestones make the image heavier;
  • small strasics are appropriate for everyday manicure;
  • very tiny you can decorate all the nails;
  • a large and bright crystal is best glued on one nail, for example, an unnamed finger;
  • colored rhinestones are harmoniously combined with the color of varnish, colorless as well look with any shade of the coating.

Manicure with rhinestones: how to make a home?

To create a French manicure with rhinestones you will need the following materials:

  • a set of rhinestones (sold in any cosmetic store);
  • Special glue for fixing crystals;
  • tweezers;
  • toothpick (useful for pressing a stone against the nail plate);
  • design sketch.

Pre-nails are put in order, removingCuticle, giving the nail plate the desired shape. Then the base or base coat is applied, after which the nails are varnished. While the varnish is not dried, paste the rhinestones according to the prepared sketch. The stones are grasped with tweezers and pressed to the surface with a toothpick. After the lacquer is completely dry, a lacquer is applied.

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