Innovations in cosmetology - plasmolift facial
It's no secret that every girl dreams as much as possiblelonger to be young and attractive, to fascinate men, and most to be pleased with their reflection in the mirror. To achieve this goal, we use all possible means! In the beginning, various creams, tonics, masks, peelings, whey, etc. are used. But after a while you begin to observe that the skin no longer looks so smooth and taut as before, wrinkles appear in some places ... And then you begin to frantically look for new methods of rejuvenation. These include sinus lifting, face plasmolifting, chemical scrubs and the like.
In fact, modern cosmetology is not worth iton the spot. And almost every day there are new and new procedures that promise a smooth and tightened skin almost the next day. From such a variety of eyes run up, and it is not clear which of them are actually effective, and which are just an advertising move.
One of the latest innovations in cosmetology -plasmolifting of the face. It is a technique for the non-surgical recovery of the skin, which consists in introducing the patient's own plasma, rich in platelets. The rejuvenating effect arises from the fact that the plasma provokes the formation of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the problematic areas, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin. After all, aging of the skin is due to the lack of these substances. In their youth they are formed independently and in sufficient quantity, but over time, metabolic processes in the skin are broken, there is a shortage of vitamins and oxygen. And this leads to a violation of the regeneration of the skin, and, more simply, to the aging of the skin.
The main advantage of the plasmolifting procedurefaces before other procedures for skin rejuvenation is that they use not alien substances for the body, but its own plasma. This completely eliminates the possibility of rejection of the body of the plasma, and hence - it's harmless.
So, how does this wonderful procedure happen?
To begin with, the patient takes blood from the vein, whichcompletely painless, like a regular blood test. Further, the received blood is subjected to special treatment in a centrifuge in which the blood is divided into three groups according to the degree of saturation with platelets. This process is fully automated and takes only 14-15 minutes. And after that the doctor proceeds directly to the procedure itself. The surface of the skin is treated with a special antiseptic solution and the problem zones are calculated. "Miracle" prick is injected subcutaneously and intradermally, the course of procedures consists of 2 sessions, which are conducted with an interval of 12-18 days. After the procedure of plasmolifting of the face, the reviews of the clips are different, but the effect from it is always positive.
Unfortunately, the effect of the plasmolifting procedureface is not eternal. Due to the fact that this method is not too often used, the duration of the injections is not established, it depends on the initial state of your skin. However, doctors do not recommend injecting more often than 2 times a year. in this case, the body's reserves will be depleted and the desired effect will not be achieved.
And of course, as with every medical procedure, there are contraindications to the procedure for plasmolifting. These include:
• Serious diseases of internal organs
• Viral hepatitis
• Diabetes
• Inflammations, pustules and wounds on the skin
• Pregnancy
• Mental disorders
• Immune-depressive state
• Allergies to substances used in the preparation of a POTS
Of course, any woman dreams of looking young andbeautiful at any age. But! Nevertheless, no plasmolifting, nor any other similar procedure should be abused. Abuse of something is always bad, and the result can sometimes be completely unpredictable.