/ / Perfume "Christian Lacroix": description and reviews

Perfume "Christian Lacroix": description and reviews

When in damp and rainy days of November you want to slightly ponastalgirovat about summer meadows, bunches of field grasses, a couple drops of perfume "Christian Lacroix" from the eponymous brand will help to do this.

Aroma Composition

Naturally, these spirits belong to the groupflower. If you talk about the heart notes, then there are jasmine, heliotrope, ylang-ylang and lily-of-the-valley, sandal, vanilla, benzoin and thin beans are more or less common in the base. But at the beginning of the pyramid, cloves, tarragon, freesia, peach and rosewood are placed - the components are quite specific. And the connection of all these components sounds, surprisingly, not in the most predictable way.

And what kind of notes in "Christian Lacroix" the mostaudible? If you select them separately, then this is a tarragon, a carnation and a heliotrope. If we talk, in particular, about the tarhun, he is a tarragon or a taragon, then the smell of this herb reminds the same name of sweet water, but in this composition he gives a keen and light sourness. At first it is difficult to imagine how these notes harmonize among themselves. But that's surprising: in combination they give an unexpected effect of flower nectar. Although it is not so viscous and cloying-sweet, but on the contrary, slightly moist.

All this flower bliss is hidden inAn amazing bottle in the shape of a shell, and it's no accident. The shell is something subtle, secret, barely perceptible. So, in addition to the flower extravaganza, you should expect some kind of watery note, which gives the white freesia. The liquid itself is a delicate yellow color, which suits this smell, such a summer and fragrant.

Christian Lacroix: Feedback


Sofia Groisman - the author of this sunny bouquet -managed to once again amaze everyone with his skill. Then her characteristic handwriting is recognized: first the sweetish tops come, the velvet peach opens in the heart, and in the train one hears a little spice that gives sandalwood and vanilla. The main message of all perfume creations of Mrs. Groisman is absolute femininity. Here, there is no hint of a man's beginning, not a single note, characteristic of the fragrances "unisex".

Christian Lacroix: perfume

Aroma from Christian Lacroix: reviews

If you describe it in a few words, then it is a very cheerful and serene scent, it truly gives a feeling of happiness and lightness of being, it is the anthem of life itself.

And the ability to dismember the fragrance into separate notes- not always the most important. Much more meaning associations that give this perfume. So, most of the reviews say that these spirits carry them on a warm May or June day, when the herbs are fragrant, the sun shines, bees fly, collecting pollen. Someone immediately recalls the taste of honey from dandelions, someone hears the smell of blooms on the pond, someone perfume "Christian Lacroix" gives the feeling of a warm pouring rain rain. Such associations are rooted in a carefree childhood spent with my grandmother in the village, and this is always an easy, but pleasant longing for the sensation of something that will not happen again. But from a few saving amber-honey drops of these spirits, the winter depression recedes completely.

Perfume Christian Lacroix


Judging from the above, in the winter this smell is simplyindispensable, it is an all-powerful panacea for bad mood and inclement weather, not only from the associative side, but also from the warming effect. As for the languid summer days, then at a temperature of +30 it is better not to use them, since in the pyramid there is still a carnation, and in the heat it is just a suicidal weapon.

Christian Lacroix
But on a cool May evening "ChristianLacroix will sit well, and when it's wet, drizzling rain or even a real downpour, these spirits are working "perfectly." In general, a wonderful everyday scent.


He's incomprehensible. There are no sharp colors beating in your nose, but you can hear a subtle but persistent oriental spice (this is sandalwood). The idea of ​​a perfumer was this: the people around should intuitively reach out to the owner of spirits, they are pleased to be very close to her, although they can not clearly explain what is so beckoning in this trail. The aroma is mixed with the smell of the skin, and the men are just delighted with this combination. A lightweight, weightless flower cloud spreads over a meter distance.


Surprisingly, most of them are at the fact thatthe fragrance was removed from production. Not everyone appreciated it then, in 1999. But now, using the last droplets, they lament that it will be difficult to find some kind of analogue among modern perfumery products.

Also for someone this smell is dreary, becausethat they hear a swampy note, but such units. In addition, "Christian Lacroix" - perfume, which can not be called any extraordinary, so lovers of perfume frills call it boring or faceless. But the majority of users with gratitude applauds Sofia Groysman for her next masterpiece.

So, if someone else has not found their "fragrant self", then perhaps he has not yet tried the perfume "Christian Lacroix"? But we must hurry, because soon it will become a real deficit.

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