/ / Laser epilation of legs, or Beauty requires victims

Laser epilation of the feet, or Beauty requires victims

Since ancient times, women of all nations of the world have been looking forway to get rid of unnecessary hair on your legs. Ideally smooth and beautiful legs attract men's attention and give confidence to their possessor. Epilation of the legs of the house can be performed in various ways: with the help of a shaving machine, wax strips or sugar syrup. Each of them has its pros and cons. However, the most effective method for long-term getting rid of hair at the moment is laser hair removal. It is held in beauty parlors and is performed by trained specialists with the help of professional equipment.

hair removal at home

foot epilation
Lasers in medicine and cosmetology are already appliedlong enough, but the epilation of the legs in this way has received its spread relatively recently. The technology is based on the effect of a laser beam on a hair bulb in order to destroy it. After this, the hair follicle loses the ability to feed and regenerate a new process. Thus, new hair no longer appears, and accordingly, the problem of ingrown hair disappears. This procedure is universal, and it can be carried out absolutely on any part of the skin - you will agree, an indisputable advantage over other methods. How much does laser depilation of the legs cost? Of course, pleasure is not cheap. Perhaps this is the most expensive way to get rid of unnecessary hair. However, if we take into account that the achieved result remains for a long time, it is worth it.

A few tips:

  • If you have a too low pain threshold, thenLaser hair removal is not for you. This procedure is quite painful and very long. After all, a specialist needs to get a laser into the bulb of each hair, and there are thousands of them on the body.
  • Do not expect immediate epilationeffect. Remove all hair in approximately five to seven procedures. At the same time, the interval between them should be at least five weeks, so by time this is the longest way. Accordingly, if you want to flaunt perfectly smooth legs in the summer, you need to start laser hair removal in the fall. Pleases one - with each time the pain will be more and more blunted due to less hair.
    How much does laser hair removal for legs
  • Laser epilation of the feet is like microscopicburns. Therefore, proper skin care after the procedure is very important. Legs can not be wetted with water within 24 hours after hair removal. You can lubricate them with a gel or cream from burns or moisturize with baby cream.
  • Do not believe the advertising of beauty salons,based on which laser hair removal will save you from hair for life. It is not true. The effect of the procedure lasts up to 8 months. After you again have to go all over again, just as long and with the same pain.

Contraindication to laser hair removalis primarily a dark or tanned skin, as this can be very severe skin burns. This procedure is also prohibited for pregnancy, skin diseases and cancer.

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