/ How to get rid of dandruff.

How to get rid of dandruff.

How to get rid of dandruff? This question worries about a third of the female population of the entire globe. The discomfort associated with the appearance of dandruff is known to many. After all, as a result of this, the condition of the hair deteriorates significantly, and there are restrictions in clothing: dark shades are taboo. Dandruff occurs due to the fact that the active activity begins microfungus. This may result in a shortage of certain vitamins, numerous stresses, the use of substandard, bad shampoos, the frequent use of gels, varnishes and other. If you do not know how to get rid of dandruff, then it's best to consult a dermatologist. He will choose a special course of treatment.

Dandruff can be of two kinds: dry and wet. In the first case, it falls on the shoulders immediately after washing the head. It appears due to a lack of fat in the scalp. But fatty dandruff hides in the hair, it prevents the skin from breathing. The presence of this kind of dandruff leads to the fact that the hair looks fat, and in the future can even begin to fall out.

If you are worried about how to get rid ofdandruff, you can resort to traditional medicine. Although it is better to first try to choose the right shampoo. Give preference to those brands that have a good reputation. These include Elseve, Head & Shoulders, Wash & Go, Shandy, Pantene pro-v and others. The most important thing is that the shampoo suits your hair type. Do not buy the one on which it is written that it is suitable for all types of hair. So often do women who want to save, because this tool can be used by the whole family. Wrong choice of shampoo can only aggravate the situation and provoke even more fungus growth. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to get rid of dandruff, then listen to the opinion of many medical cosmetologists. It is necessary by trial and error to pick up two types of shampoo and alternate them with an interval of three months. After all, the fungus of dandruff can adapt to various conditions.

Many women successfully use recipes fromdandruff is still their grandmothers. Very well regulates the energy of the sebaceous glands of juniper. You just need to take 10 drops of the tincture of this plant and, mixing with your shampoo, just wash your hair. In the same way, tincture of geranium is used.

Try to make a decoction of ordinary leavesnettle. It must be rubbed into the scalp after each hair wash, but no more than three times a week. Here is another excellent anti-dandruff: you need to mix half a lemon juice with five spoons of olive oil, warm it all in a water bath, cool it, and then rub this mixture into the scalp. After 15 minutes, the hair should be rinsed with shampoo.

Very popular in folk medicine are variousmasks for hair from dandruff. You can take a regular onion, grate it and rub it into the scalp and hair. Leave all this for a few hours, and then rinse thoroughly. Be prepared for the fact that the hair will later smell unpleasant for a while.

And here's another mask: mix a spoonful of castor oil, egg yolk and lemon juice. This mixture must be rubbed into the scalp and left for 30 minutes. Then the hair needs to be washed with running water using shampoo.

Those women who are worried how to get rid offrom dandruff, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables, walnuts, cereals and fish. Comb your hair solely with a wooden comb. It is best to wash your head with warm water and avoid using a hair dryer. There are also special creams that are sold in pharmacies, they must be applied to the hair and left overnight, washed only in the morning. You should lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and follow some recommendations, and then no problems with dandruff problems you will not arise.

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