/ On which lunar days is it better to cut hair? Favorable days for haircuts

On which lunar days is it better to cut hair? Favorable days for haircuts

Even in ancient times, people believed in the supernatural powers of the moon. They worshiped her, brought her gifts, sang and adored.

what lunar days it is better to cut hair
Even thousands of years ago, mankind has learnedmake lunar calendars that were supposed to tell which day of the lunar cycle it is best to start planting plants and harvest, when it's better to start new things, and when it's better to take the time to do old things.

By observing the Moon and the behavior of that oranother process in a certain lunar cycle, people began to understand that this is a strong energy resource that can give both positive and negative energy, control the ebb and flow of water, and have an effect on the organisms of all living things.

Effect of the lunar cycle on the body

It is known that the so-called human biorhythms,on which our general state depends, depend significantly on the rotation of the moon. There are complete and unfinished cycles of the moon. In an unfinished cycle of twenty-nine days, people feel extremely excited and are not quite able to adequately assess each situation. For such cycles, the largest number of accidents and disasters occur, which occur through the fault of a person. But in the finished lunar cycles, people feel much better. Such a time is favorable for new beginnings, for the completion of old affairs and travel.

The lunar month consists of four phases, each ofwhich has a peculiar effect on our planet. The new moon is the combination of the Sun and the Moon. Full Moon - finding the Moon is the opposite of the Sun. And also there are passing phases - growing and decreasing. Each phase of the lunar cycle lasts about a week.

favorable days

On the influence of the moon on the human psyche

In addition to the general lunar calendar, there isindividual. The beginning of the month is the person's birthday. This calendar is constant from birth until death. Many researchers believe that if everyone on the planet knew and adhered to the advice of his individual lunar calendar, then mankind would be able to avoid many dangers, disagreements, quarrels. And with all this, everyone could draw for themselves the necessary amount of energy, be healthy and happy.

It is believed that the character and temperament of a personThe location of the Moon and the Sun affects the period of conception and birth. People have learned to make special calendars and so-called horoscopes. The most accurate horoscopes are those that are compiled based on many factors. It takes into account the exact time of birth, place, weather and much more. Many pop stars, politicians and athletes believe in the supernatural powers of the moon, therefore adhere to their horoscopes, which they make up astrologers and numerology.

the phase of the moon for hair cutting

Everyone has long known that the moon is responsible forthe ebb and flow of water. Water is the source of life, and we are more than seventy percent of it. Therefore, it can not be denied that the Moon affects the human body.

The influence of the moon on man during the new moon period

During this period, the gravity of the Moon rises andThe sun, the mass of a person becomes smaller, the fluids are distributed throughout the body, thereby harmonizing all the processes in the body. In this cycle, it is most effective to prevent these or other diseases. The received vitamins and minerals in this period will be assimilated better and faster. But the psychological condition of a person remains unstable in the new moon. Psyche is unstable, the number of psychological disorders increases. This time, especially men must beware, since they are most susceptible to the influence of the new moon.

The influence of the Moon in the first phase

If during this period to conduct healthcycles, they will bring the most results in comparison with the rest of the periods. Therefore, astrologers advise to engage in their physical and psychological health is in the first phase of the growing moon. If you are wondering which lunar days it is better to cut your hair, so that they grow faster, they are strong and healthy, then this period is just the most favorable for changing your hairdo. For a long time women have been interested in the influence of the moon on their hair. The long thick of hair is the standard of female beauty, so the ancient beauties cut their hair only on favorable days.

haircut on lunar days

The second phase of the growing moon

This period is favorable for purificationorganism from harmful substances. Diets and fasting these days are easy to transfer. It is in this phase of the Moon that the greatest results in weight loss can be observed. If you are interested in what lunar days it is better to cut your hair, so that they are thick and strong, then safely go to the hairdresser in the second phase of the growing moon. If you want to make yourself a short haircut and you would not want the hair to grow back quickly, it's better to wait a couple of weeks before the new phase comes.

Full moon

During the full moon, people often experiencestress, discontent, irritation and excitement. When you can observe the full moon in the sky, the person most strongly increases sexual attraction. This is due to the fact that energy rushes to a greater extent in the zone of the genital organs, so the pull to the opposite sex becomes stronger. Conception in this period the most valuable.

The Third Phase of the Moon

During this period, it is better to abandon heavy physical exertion, as the fluid in the body together with the energy is compressed, which can provoke various kinds of trauma.

what moonlit day for a hairstyle

The fourth phase of the moon

Experts advise at this time to observemoderation in everything, as excessive attention to one kind of activity can lead to negative consequences. You can deal with the cleansing procedures of the body, monitor proper nutrition.

If you decide to change something in your life, thenit is better to start this not on Monday, but from the new lunar cycle - the new moon. The initiated business or project during this period will bring more benefits and results than in any other lunar cycle. The most favorable days for mastering something new and forming new habits are the days of the new moon. Start following the lunar calendar, and soon you will notice how your life has changed.

On which lunar days it is better to cut hair. Beautiful hair and the influence of the moon

Visit a hairdresser for any woman - veryan important point. After all, beautiful and well-groomed hair is so important for a self-respecting girl and woman. If you are thinking about which lunar days it is better to cut your hair, so that they are especially beautiful, then the tips given below will be useful to you.

The ideal time for the hair to growquickly and without losing the brilliance, density and strength - the full moon. The growing moon for hair cutting will help you to find long curls, they will grow faster, but become dull, lose strength and moisture.

But the important thing is not only the phase of the moon for hair cutting,but also the time of the procedure. Pay special attention to this, and then you will not regret the new hairstyle. You can get a haircut when the moon is in the sign of the Lion or the Virgin (both growing and decreasing). Hair will not grow so quickly, but moisture and health will persist.

What a lunar day for a haircut you would choosenotice the sign of the zodiac in which the moon is located. If this is a sign of Pisces or Cancer, then it is better to refrain from changing the image and wait for a more favorable time. Hair trimmed on days under the sign of Pisces or Cancer will lose strength, will quickly break and fall out.

lunar haircut days

Not recommended haircut on lunar days, whenthe heavenly body is in a diminishing stage, especially if you are dreaming of long hair. Hairstyles are also not advised to do in this period. The exception are the days when the moon is in the sign of Leo and Virgo.

Calendar of moon haircuts. Favorable days for a haircut (January-June 2015)

The moon and the haircut are very interconnectedby myself. If you visit a barbershop on an unfavorable day, you risk being unhappy with your new way. Follow the lunar calendar haircuts, then troubles of this kind will pass you by.

The most favorable days for cutting in January are:

  • The first of January, Thursday: The moon is growing, in the sign of Taurus.
  • January 21, Wednesday: Moon rising, in the sign of Aquarius.
  • January twenty-second, Thursday: Lena is growing, in the sign of Aquarius.

This month is not advised to carry out stainingand chemical perm hair, as the result of dyeing may be too intense. Curling may also be too strong, and the result will disappoint you.


  • February twenty-fourth, Tuesday: The moon is rising, in the sign of Taurus.
  • Third February, Tuesday: Moon rising, in Leo.
  • The sixteenth of February, Monday: the waning moon in the sign of Capricorn.

This month you can safely dye your hair in any color. If you have long wanted to experiment, now is the time.

Favorable lunar days. Haircut, March month:

  • March twenty-fourth, Tuesday: Moon rising, in the sign of Taurus.
  • March thirty-first, Tuesday: The moon is rising, in the sign of Leo.
  • March 2nd, Monday: The moon is rising, in the sign of Leo.

lunar days haircut march

Hair grows particularly fast this month, so it is not recommended to dye hair in a new color.


  • The first of April, Monday: The moon is growing, in the sign of Taurus.
  • The twentieth of April, Wednesday: The moon is growing, in the sign of Virgo.
  • Twenty ninth of April, Wednesday: Moon rising, in the sign of Virgo.

If you want your hair to grow faster, the roots strengthened, and the styling held out longer, cut the hair and make new hairstyles this month.


  • Ninth of May, Saturday: the waning moon, in the sign of Capricorn.
  • Nineteenth of May, Tuesday: Moon rising, in the sign of Gemini.
  • May twentieth, Wednesday: Moon rising, in the sign of Gemini.

The growing moon in May for a haircut will be especiallyfavorable. Do head massages and trim your hair this month, and after a while you will see for yourself that the hair has become strong and silky. On the waning Moon in May, it is better to make a new hairstyle or styling, it will be especially resistant.

Haircuts in June:

  • June seventeenth, Wednesday: The moon is rising, in the sign of Cancer.
  • The twentieth of June, Monday: The moon is growing, in the sign of Leo.
  • Twenty-second June, Saturday: The moon is growing, in the sign of Virgo.

The most favorable days haircut on the mooncalendar this month - the twentieth and twenty second of june. The moon is in Leo and Virgo respectively. If you make a new haircut on one of these days, then soon you should feel how life energy comes to you and your creative potential grows. If you cut your hair on a Saturday, be sure that you will not be left alone. But a haircut on the day when the moon is in the sign of Cancer, can bring a little trouble. Hair will become naughty. But if you have oily scalp, then a haircut on this day will help get rid of excess sebum. It is not advisable to get a haircut on Wednesday for owners of dry and brittle hair.

moon in the sign

Haircut in an unfavorable day

Haircut on moon days at a good timenever hurt your hair. But what to do if you only learned about the lunar calendar of haircuts after visiting the master hairdresser, and the day of the procedure was unfavorable? There is a way out of this situation. Look in the calendar for the next date for a haircut and go to the hairdresser on that day, ask to trim a few millimeters of hair. At this time, do not forget to take into account the fact that the phase of the moon for hair cutting plays an important role. Do not change your hairstyle at the time when the Moon is in Pisces or Cancer.

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