/ / Features and reviews about shampoo "Botanist Therapy"

Features and Feedback on Shampoo "Botanist Therapy"

Well-groomed hair is a sign of a woman who lovesyourself. Therefore, it is very important to competently approach the choice of shampoo, which will help solve hair problems, make curls more lively and elastic, saturate them with strength and energy. And the manufacturer, the company Garnier, promises that the product "Botanical Therapy" is just such a shampoo. Is it so? To understand the feedback of consumers.

shampoo botanist therapy reviews

Product Description

"Botanist Therapy" is one of the company's brandson the production of products for hair care "Garnier". The funds are based on natural ingredients and are aimed at solving the most popular problems in modern women with hair:

  • For shiny hair, a shampoo based on argan oil is suitable.
  • Tea tree oil and aloe vera will save you from excessive fat.
  • Restored dyed hair can be with the help of a means with cranberry extract.
  • Shampoo is suitable for dry and weakened hair. "Botanist Therapy. Olive". Reviews about this tool indicate its high efficiency.

You can buy any product of the brand both through online stores and in most outlets, there will be no difficulties with the purchase.

shampoo garnier nerd therapy reviews

Advantages marked by buyers

In reviews of the shampoo "Botanist Therapy", women noted several advantages:

  • Most of the funds are produced in batches, so labor will not be able to select a full-fledged care program - not just shampoo, but also an air conditioner and a mask.
  • Among the products of the brand "Botanic Therapy" there are shampoos that solve a variety of problems, from helping fragile and weakened hair to effective protection against hair loss.
  • All products are distinguished by an unobtrusive pleasant aroma.
  • Help to make hair smooth and shiny.
  • Affordable price.
  • Convenient for storage and use of packaging.

These advantages were noted by women who alreadyhave used the shampoo "Garnier" "Botanical Therapy" in the reviews. Also, customers say that the package itself indicates the effect of the product, which significantly shortens the time of choice.

A good effect in hair restoration can beget a month of constant use of the product "Botanist Therapy. The legendary olive. " This tool helps the curls to become more lush and healthy, does not weight the strands, and, together with the rinse aid, facilitates combing. Shampoo is suitable for hair weakened by staining. For special ringlets in the collection "Garnier" created a special product with argan oil and cranberries. It not only enriches the structure of the hair, but also helps to preserve color for a long time.

shampoo botanist olive therapy reviews

Identified shortcomings

In their reviews of the shampoo "Botanist Therapy", the customer identified a number of shortcomings in the product:

  • A small volume, so the product quickly ends.
  • Hair remains clean for a short time, quickly fade.
  • In the composition of the funds there are not only natural natural ingredients, but also chemical agents.

In general, customers note in the reviews about the shampoo "Botanist Therapy", that this product is not quite good quality professional care means can not be called.

Effectiveness of Shampoo Botanic Therapy

Recommendations for use

The best way to apply shampoo brand "Botanical Therapy" - in tandem with a balm-rinse, this will help solve the problem, and provide a comprehensive hair care.

To help weakened hair, the remedy can beuse every other day. Dry hair should be washed not more often 1-2 times a week, fatty - more often, depending on the contamination. It is better not to apply the shampoo immediately on the head, it is recommended to pour a little of the medicine on the palm, lightly foaming it and only then apply to the hair, spreading from the top of the head along the length.

Reviews about shampoo "Botanist Therapy" will helpmake sure that this tool is a good budget option for those who want to have strong and elastic curls, but can not pamper them with expensive professional brands.

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