/ / "Farah" - a palette of paints for hair: composition, instructions and references

"Farah" - a palette of hair colors: composition, manual and feedback

Almost every woman resorts tostaining hair. The cosmetic industry is so vast that it is difficult to choose that single manufacturer whose products would meet all the criteria. It is even more difficult to find a qualitative, but more budgetary variant of the hair coloring agent. Today we decided to tell about the remarkable paint, the preference of which is given by women in many countries - this is "Farah" (hair dye). Palette, composition, instructions for use and consumer feedback in the future content of the article.

Product Description

What is this paint? "Farah", the palette of hair colors which is described in this article, is produced by the Russian company "Krasnaya Liniya", which exists on the market for more than ten years, and has proven itself on the best side. However, all the main stages of the production of the product are carried out in Bulgaria.

High-quality equipment and raw materials make it possible to produce really high-quality products that are valued by women also at an affordable price.

In the composition of the paint there is a specially developed by French scientists component Transcutol GC, the action of which is aimed at careful coloring.

headlight hair coloring palette

Paint composition

"Farah", a palette of hair colors whichwas designed so that when painting at a minimum harm, and to the maximum - benefit, it is an excellent choice. In its composition there are many natural components:

  1. Jojoba oil has a moisturizing effect, cares for the scalp: it removes irritation and itching, gives strength and health to weak hair, prevents dandruff.
  2. The wheat protein fills the curls with vitality and brilliance.
  3. Aloe vera has long been known for its curative properties. This plant is able to remove inflammation from the scalp, to fight with split ends, to give hair elasticity, to strengthen their growth.
  4. Extract of wine has long been used in folk recipes of health. It has antioxidant properties, is rich in vitamins. Helps to strengthen and restore hair.

Thanks to these components, damaged hair will again become healthy, radiant and well-groomed!

hair dye headlight color picker

What is in the package?

"Farah", a palette of colors for hair which is rich,loved by many women, even because of such a pleasant little thing as the contents of the package. The manufacturer took care that the coloring was more pleasant and the lovely ladies did not experience because of the lack of necessary items. Each pack of "Headlights" contains:

  • protective gloves;
  • a bottle with a dispenser;
  • tuba;
  • fragrant balm for hair after staining;
  • a container with a foaming agent;
  • detailed instructions.

headlight hair dye palette reviews

How to prepare a mixture and dye your hair?

Most women rush when dyeing hair andoften do not pay attention to such trifles that will help make the procedure more comfortable, avoid allergic reactions and undesirable shade. And in most cases, inattention becomes the biggest mistake when staining.

First of all, the contents of a tube with a dye should be poured into a bottle with an oxidizer. The product should be mixed well, shaken to make a homogeneous mass.

For comfortable dyeing it is necessary to cutplastic tip from the lid of the bottle with the resulting mixture and directly from it apply the paint first to the roots of the hair, and then distribute the brush along the entire length. Before the procedure, it is recommended to wear protective gloves.

The product should be kept on the hair for 30 to 45 minutes, after which it is good to wash the head, apply a balm, which must be washed off after five minutes.

Manufacturer advises to pass before paintinga test for the determination of allergic reactions. To do this, paint a little on the inside of the elbow or wrist. If after fifteen minutes there was no redness and itching, then you can dye your hair.

hair dye fara classic customer reviews

Hair dye "Farah": a palette of flowers

The manufacturer has created means for dyeing hair in three series, and each of them we will consider more carefully.

"Farah Classic"

This series is designed for rich color ringlets. Persistent paint does not destroy the structure of the hair, it is able to color the gray hair, consists of 24 shades, the main of which:

  • light redwood;
  • Red tree;
  • golden chestnut;
  • natural;
  • caramel;
  • natural chocolate;
  • milk chocolate;
  • hazelnut;
  • the blonde is platinum.

"Natural Color Headlight"

In this series there is a special complexsubstances, which allows to make the natural color more saturated, and the result of staining will be preserved by 30% longer in time. In addition to its unique effect, this series is endowed with a multitude of natural ingredients that will take care of hair during coloring. What colors does the "Farah" offer? Palette of paints for hair Natural Colors:

  • the black;
  • chocolate;
  • natural;
  • chestnut;
  • hazelnut;
  • golden;
  • the blond;
  • champagne;
  • millet;
  • platinum;
  • White sun;
  • White gold.

"Lounge Lounge Mousse"

This series is designed to give ringletsultra-resistant shade. Staining with these paints is comfortable, as the product has the consistency of mousse and thanks to this it is easily distributed over the entire length of the hair. The main tones of this series:

  • chocolate mocha;
  • blueberry dessert;
  • marshmallow marshmallow;
  • ice cappuccino;
  • Creme brulee;
  • honey shake;
  • nut sherbet;
  • creamy caramel;
  • almond nougat.

headlight hair color palette composition instruction

"Headlight", hair dye: palette, reviews

This drug is really very richColor palette. Women note this in their comments. They write that "Farah" has a wide variety of shades in its assortment, and each woman can choose her own one.

They note the persistence of the paint, they say that the color remains saturated and shiny before the subsequent staining, when it is necessary to "camouflage" the overgrown roots.

Hair dye Fara Classic customer reviewshas a huge number, since of all the series is the most "senior". Women write that after staining with this remedy, the hair is obedient, soft, and the shade is intense.

But nevertheless there are also negative comments. Some note that the tone does not always get exactly what the manufacturer represents it.

There are reviews that the paint is quickly washed off the hair for unknown reasons.

Still I want to say that "Farah" (palettepaints for hair is described in our article) - a fairly high-quality product that can be purchased at an affordable price. It is convenient to use at home, and the package has everything you need for professional hair dyeing.

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