/ How to color your hair yourself

How to dye your hair yourself

A man far from the hairdresser's art,it is difficult to immediately understand the proposed variety of colors designed for the main female treasure - hair. We do not always know how to dye the hair properly to get the desired shade. or select only individual strands, or give the curls one or the other shade, without changing radically their color.

Having studied the methods of dyeing hair, youyou can make your choice the most accessible and suitable for your hair way. Different techniques of painting will help to change your face, making it softer, or, conversely, bright.

We will talk about how to dye your hair, and you, after understanding the technique of staining, you can do it yourself.

So, we paint the hair. Before proceeding to the procedure of staining, experts recommend preparing their curls by treating them with masks. On healthy and well-groomed locks the paint is applied smoothly, without harming their structure.

According to the instructions that are in eachpacking together with a tube of paint, preliminary we test a preparation for an opportunity of allergic reaction to a skin. If it was not, then you can safely embark on staining your head of hear.

To begin with, we will pick up the equipment from the stock of oldthings that are not a shame to spoil, if the coloring matter falls. It can be a kind of soccer shirt. Cover the shoulders with an old towel. You can, of course, use the gloves provided with the instruction, but they are extremely inconvenient. Buy conventional medical gloves (non-sterile) and grab a specialized set for coloring, which consists of a deep bowl and a paintbrush.

Hair slightly moistened with water, on the forehead skin and forears apply a cream (better fat), which will help to remove the excess of the prepared composition after the procedure. According to the instructions, we dilute the preparation and proceed to staining.

Begin to apply the paint from the bottom of the nape (from the neck), gradually moving to the front of the head. First we put the paint on the roots, then we paint the entire length of the strand.

Painting all the hair, we pin them on the back of the head and mark the time. Typically, the staining time is from thirty to forty minutes.

Overdo it is not worth it, it does not enhance the effect, but it can do much harm to your luxurious curls.

Wash the composition through the time specified in the instructions and be sure to use the balm, which is also included.

To ensure that the paint on the hair is well established, do not wash your head for three days.

Quite often, women are interested in the question,how to dye your hair and not hurt them at the same time. The most useful way to strengthen and simultaneously color your curls is the use of natural henna, which is a crushed leaf of the plant laussonia.

How to dye Henna hair

Before dyeing, it is recommended that the hair be washed with shampoo so that it is clean and slightly moist.

Cinchona powder is better diluted with hotfreshly brewed black tea or brewed chamomile until a mixture resembling thick semolina porridge. You can add a teaspoon of olive oil or jojoba oil. Some recommend adding egg yolk.

The resulting composition in a hot form is applied to the hair with a special brush and evenly distributed along the entire length of the brace.

We cover the hair with polyethylene film and carefully wrap it for fifty minutes.

To dye hair with henna is very simple, a littleIt is more difficult to wash the color mixture from the hair. The chinnic composition is best washed off with running water of a comfortable temperature, then rinse the hair with a solution of apple cider vinegar (0.5 cup of vinegar per 3 liters of water).

Now that you know how to dye your hair at home, you can always do it yourself. Be beautiful!

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