Hair styling with ironing and curlers: how not to damage your hair
Neatly and beautifully arranged hair - a pledgesuccess of any modern woman. And although the styling procedure takes a lot of time from us, we still have to work, because to go out with a disheveled head means to show ourselves in a bad light.
Currently there are a wide variety of speciesstyling, but the most popular is styling hair iron and curlers. In the first case, it is possible to get ideally straight hair, and in the second - to make them bulky or in the form of curls. About how to properly do with their help styling, we now talk.
Hair styling
Iron - a useful thing, because with it you caneven the most naughty hair is made to be perfectly smooth and straight. True, not everything is so optimistic. Frequent use of this device may not be the best way to affect the condition of the hair, so experts recommend that they use only in the most urgent cases. And if such cases occur every day, then you should correctly approach the choice of ironing. The cheapest and at the same time most unsafe is ironing with metal plates. Here it is, just the same and should be used as rarely as possible. Iron with ceramic plates is more expensive, but it does less damage to the hair. And even better, if the ceramic plates have tourmaline coating.
Hair styling also requires several rules:
· Wash hair well with shampoo. To put dirty hair at you hardly will turn out, and it is not aesthetically somehow.
Wait until the hair has dried naturally. Drying with a hairdryer before styling is highly undesirable, since a double blow is applied to the hair.
· Apply milk on dry hair to prevent overheating.
· Collect the hair in a bun, leaving one small curl. Swipe on it, if necessary several times.
· Do the same with all other hair.
· To fix the styling, the hair can be sprinkled with varnish.
Correctly made hair styling ironingsignificantly reduces the risk of damage. By the way, having stuffed your hand, ironing, you can not only straighten your hair, but also make them curly, treating the appliance as with a curling iron.
Hair styling on curlers
Curlers - another effective styling toolhair. For example, you want to give your hair volume, then you can use large curlers that do not turn hair into curls, but only raise them, giving a good volume. Hair curlers will be useful to you if you want to make curly curls or turn your hair into cute curly-haired girls.
The modern market is simply overwhelmed by thevarious kinds of hair curlers: metal, plastic, rubber, thermobigi, electro-curlers, etc. What are the best, you define for yourself. But the rules for styling hair are the same, regardless of their type:
· Wash hair, wait until it dries. Screw them on curlers can only be wet, but not dry and not wet.
· Do not dry hair that is curledon curlers. Many of us like to break this rule, especially if the time is running out. But this can lead to the fact that the hair is bruised, become thin and brittle.
· Hair styling on curlers impliesuse of special cosmetics. Classic options are varnish and foam for styling hair. The latter option is the most suitable, because the foam has a light consistency, creates an additional volume and makes the curls elastic.
· Curling hair on curlers occursso: take a small curl and tightly wound on the curler at an angle of 900C to the head. Do it neatly, do not pull your hair again, so as not to injure them.
· You can wind both individual strands all over your head, and all your hair. In a word, over stacking with the help of curlers you can always dream up and come up with something of your own, original.