/ / Peach oil: tips for use

Peach oil: tips for use

There is a category of women and girls who makeall cosmetic procedures in the salon - the masters impose their masks, and they enjoy, without going into what these masks are made of. And there is another category - those who like to make themselves masks at home. An article is intended for them. The subject of our conversation is peach oil.

It can be used for hair, nails, and even for eyelashes.

It is worth saying a few words about the oil itself - like youguessed, it is made from peaches. Or rather, from the bones. It is very rich in fatty acids, without which our skin quickly fades. Oleic, palmitic, linoleic - an incomplete list of these very acids. In addition, the composition includes vitamin B15, which can not simply prevent aging, but fight against skin that is already subject to the wilting process.

And vitamins A and E support the integrity of the skin and slow the aging process due to antioxidant and preserving properties.

Also in the composition are mineral substances - iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.

How can we use peach seed oil?

Most often it is used in masks for facial skin. No wonder - peach oil moisturizes it and prevents premature aging.

The simplest mask is to apply oil overnight. Instead of a night moisturizer. Especially good is a mask for dry skin.

Since the oil is very well absorbed, it can be applied and instead of an eye cream - as usual, with patting movements, how would you apply the cream.

A good way to make your face cream moremore effective - to drop a little oil there. But not in the bottle itself, but in your one-time portion. You can buy an inexpensive cream and use this method to saturate it with nutrients.

You can make a mask for the eyelashes, then they will bethicker to grow - before bedtime, gently distribute a small amount of oil on the eyelashes and leave for an hour and a half. Do not leave it for the night, then it will fall into your eyes and in the morning you will have an unpleasant cloudy film. You can mix castor and peach oil to enhance the effect.

The oil has a pleasant smell, so it can be used as a hygienic lipstick.

If you have dry scalp, or justsensitive - you can rub for half an hour or so butter in the skin. Then, of course, you need to wash your hair. Also this mask promotes fast growth of hair and disposal of dandruff. If you put a little oil on your hair, it will not make them heavier, but it can protect you from aggressive sun and sea water, for example. So do not forget to buy it before you leave.

By the way, with it you can mix and any other oil, then their useful properties will double (or triple).

Masks can be done with the addition of cream, sour cream, peach pulp, cottage cheese, bran.

But even in its pure form, peach oil is an excellent cosmetic.

Masks for nails with this oil are becoming more and more popular.

If your fingernails are cracked, a mask of iodine, lemon juice and peach oil will help. Peach oil for nails is widely used now. This bath should be taken 10-15 minutes.

If you manage to get beeswax, you cando this: melt it, add peach oil and yolk boiled egg. Should get a thick mixture, which we rub in the nails at night. You can strengthen the effect by wearing special gloves at night.

Oil gives nails a natural shine, shine andhealthy appearance. Often you can see in the salons that the masters perform hand massage with manicure, rubbing the oil into the skin of the hands, the cuticle and the nail plate itself. In addition to the aesthetic and moisturizing function, oil acts as a shield against infections due to its bactericidal action.

Nail massage with peach oil is desirable to do 2-3 times a day, especially before coating with varnish. You can add a few drops of other oils - lemon, for example, or lavender oil.

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