/ How to make up your nose with potatoes?

How to make up the nose with potatoes?

Women are very rarely satisfied with their appearance, inparticular, by the person. For this reason, a great variety of technologies for applying makeup has been developed depending on the shape of the lips, nose, eyebrows, and face oval. Now we'll look at how you can disguise your nose with potatoes and what you need for this.

a nose with a potato

To the joy of girls, correction methods exista lot, and it's not about plastic. It is enough to change the hair, and the nose with potatoes will not be so noticeable. For example, in no case can not choose a short bang, which only emphasizes the existing shortcoming. It is desirable that the hair is opened face. Avoid any variations of haircuts that emphasize the middle of the face, for example, a cascade. It is undesirable and to collect hair on the vertex, making voluminous high hairstyles.

As we know, accessories can not alwayshelp to hide a drawback, like a nose potato. This means that the only option is makeup. The easiest way to call this method: from the beginning of the nose and to the tip of the nose, draw a few strips of light shade. Wings of the nose are powdered in a darker tone.

The next thing you need is an accentattention lipstick or a more vivid eye makeup. But do not combine these two methods, since any make-up artist will tell you that only one part of the face is allowed to be allocated.

nose potato makeup

It is worth noting the fact that the nose is potatoesit is advisable to powder only in the summer, when the air temperature is high enough. In the rest of the period, it is better to apply a foundation cream, following the same scheme as mentioned above.

In general, do not worry if you have a nose-potato, because no one in this world corresponds to the invented ideal.

Further we will result some councils concerning correction of the form of a nose by a make-up.

A long nose. In order to visually reduce this part of the face, on the bridge of the nose and the tip of the nose it is necessary to apply a dark tone, powder. Also, the way out of the situation will be painting the lower eyelids.

The short nose looks more proportionate,when from the bridge of nose to its tip is applied a bright line of powder or foundation. You can raise the eyebrow line, which will also help to cope with the task. Lipstick is selected only light colors.

A wide nose can be made already, if on the backdraw a light line, and on the wings - dark stripes. In this case, the light transition to the cheek should be invisible. Also in this case, a bright lipstick (or dark shadows on the upper eyelid at the inner corner) is suitable.

potato nose

In this article, we discuss in detail the nosepotatoes. Makeup in this case will also help, but remember that the shape is corrected only by rounded lines. Clear lines are not allowed, since they emphasize roundness.

"Chicken" form. In this case, on the back of the nose, draw a line of light tone from the nose and to the tip, grabbing the lower plane. That is, we get the painted area with the letter "t" upside down.

In general, we can say that those parts of the nose that do not correspond to our notions of beauty, are toned in a darker shade. Thus, we visually correct the form.

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