/ / How to Blind a Spike for Yourself

How to Blind a Spike to Himself

Spit at all times was considered a symbol of beauty andwas an ornament for any girl. Going out without a neatly braided braid was ugly and even embarrassing. Twisting braids at all times was fashionable, but Russian girls braided themselves with ordinary braids, and French women created masterpieces. Later, when the braids became quite confident in fashion, braids began to weave in a variety of ways. For example, they began to spin, starting from the back of the head, and gradually fell into one side. In this case, there are different types of braid spike for different cases. Some of them can be braided for a trip to work or school, others, more sumptuous, for a date or a meeting with friends. In this case, you can show imagination and try to experiment with lush spikelets. However, the most difficult thing in weaving braids is to learn how to braid them on yourself.

Many girls wonder: "How can you sprout your spikelets to yourself?". In order to learn, you need to start with the most basic, gradually complicating the hair, adding new details. So, what is necessary to braid a spike? It: a mirror, a comb, an elastic band, and certainly the most important thing - patience and time. Unfortunately, patience is not enough for everyone. If you have everything you need, let's start.

So, how to braid the spikelets to yourself. The first thing you need to create any hair style is to carefully comb your hair in such a way that "cockerels" do not form. They will adversely affect the quality of the spikelet. We need to start the shoulders off the top of the head. It is necessary to separate three identical strands and begin to weave an ordinary braid. After the first usual nodule, you need to grab a small strand of hair that is on the side, and then put it on top of that strand with which we continue to work. Then again weave the spikelets to form the second knot. Immediately as it appeared, it is necessary to do the same thing as after the first nodule created, only in the mirror image. Thus, to the end we braid ourselves with spikelets. Now you can teach your friends and tell you how to sprout your spikelets to yourself.

There are very sources of information about how,how to plaque the spike to yourself, but many of them are rather confusing and incomprehensible. The remaining hair at the end of the weaving can be picked up in a ponytail, and you can braid into a regular pigtail. Then everything depends on your imagination. The method described above is the most effective and easy to understand.

About how to braid a French braid, you canfind out below. In fact, the French braid in the weaving technique practically does not differ from the ordinary classical one. The difference is only the difference in the thickness of the strands: the classical braid assumes the same thickness, and when weaving French it constantly increases, beginning with the thinnest. We begin the weaving with the ordinary braid, then the right strand must be twisted from the middle, after which we put the left strand and connect it with the middle one. Before you begin to twist the left strand, you need to grab the left strand with the thumb of the left hand. Then you need to pripletti right strand, while capturing an additional strand. Then we perform the same actions, gradually adding new thin strands. A ready hairstyle can be decorated with a beautiful rubber band or hairpin.

Now you know how to braid the braids yourself. Every day you can be irresistible, change your hair style depending on your mood.

Try it, and you will no longer have a question,how to plaque the spike to yourself. Do not worry if the pigtail does not work out the first time. This means that you need more patience and perseverance, and very soon you will be able to please your friends and loved ones with a charming fashionable hairdo.

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