/ / Windows 7, update error 80080005: how to fix?

Windows 7, update error 80080005: how to fix?

Although it is believed that the "seven" of allfamily of Windows operating systems is the most stable, however, and it is not immune from the emergence of critical failures and errors. The most common phenomenon in Windows 7 is the update error 80080005. What is the cause of this failure and how to fix it by the most accessible methods, read below.

windows 7 error update 80080005

Windows 7: update error 80080005. What is the cause of the failure?

If you do not take into account the failures associated with the viralan impact that can block the work of the "Update Center" services, the main reason for this error is called the problems with the health of the component itself, responsible for installing the system update packages.

Of course, there is nothing particularly critical here,since all major updates relate, as a rule, to security systems, however, some applications and services may not work correctly or do not work at all. Fix 80080005 (error updating Windows 7) can be at least four simple methods, understanding of which none, even the most unprepared user, will not cause difficulties.

To begin with, if there was such a failure in the system,you just need to set the manual search for updates, because the automated module stopped working. If updates are found, they need to be installed. But in fact you will not be engaged each time manual updating? Below you will find simple solutions to solve the problem within a few minutes.

 error 80080005 update windows 7

Error 80080005 "Update Center" Windows 7: Hard Drive Check

In the simplest case, you just need to check the hard drive for errors. You can do this using the system drive properties menu.

However, many experts recommend using the command line check, which is called by the cmd combination in the console of the system menu "Run" (Win + R).

Here you enter the command chkdisk / f c: followed by pressing the enter key. This command allows you to find and fix system disk errors automatically. But that's not all.

error code 80080005 when upgrading windows 7

Alternative verification option

When the error code 80080005 appears on the screen when upgrading Windows 7, it is better to use another command that allows you to restore the system components.

In this case, the command line specifiessfc / scannow. Recovery of system services and files responsible for their operation will be done automatically. In this case, you do not even need an active Internet connection (simply the system itself creates backup copies of all necessary elements and places them in hard disk partitions that are inaccessible to the user of any level, even if it is an administrator).

fix 80080005 update error windows 7

Installing the Latest Update Agent Version

If you do not install updates after thatWindows 7, you can apply an alternative method, which is to download the latest version of Windows Update from the official Microsoft resource.

To do this, just go to the link to download the component, after which the site will offer to install the updated agent in online mode. After that, you will need to reboot the system.

after updating windows

Resetting the socket settings

But the methods proposed above, unfortunately,sometimes they may not work. In Windows 7, the update error 80080005 may appear because the sockets are not configured correctly. To resolve this type of problem, you must perform a full reset.

Again, use the command line, whereprescribe netsh winsock reset catalog. After that we overload the system. In theory, if the problem really was associated with these settings, in Windows 7, the 80080005 update error will no longer appear.

no windows updates are installed

Working with the SoftwareDistribution folder

Finally, there may be another impartial situation. Updates in the manual mode are installed, but after the Windows update, the system still does not use automatic mode.

The folder is to blame for this situationSoftwareDistribution and its contents. The directory is located in the root directory of Windows on the system disk. It should be renamed (for example, in SoftwareDistribution.old), then restart the computer terminal. There is nothing wrong with assigning a different name to the system folder. During the restart process, Windows will create a new directory, importing data from the renamed folder.

You can rename from the command line, where the following is written:

  • net stop wuauserv;
  • rename c: windowsSoftwareDistribution softwaredistribution.old;
  • net start wuauser;
  • exit.

Exactly the same result can be obtained ifright-click on the "Taskbar" to invoke the corresponding dispatcher, select the services tab and click on the services button, where you need to find the update component, stop it, rename it, and start it again. In this case, the system will not be restarted (access to the "Task Manager" can be obtained through the "Start" console, where the taskmgr command is entered).

error 80080005 update windows 7

If nothing has helped

In theory, all the solutions considered in this or thatThe case will avoid that in Windows 7 error 80080005 appears again and again. However, it also happens that for some reason the service does not want to work properly anyway.

As the last tool, you can advise the use of a specialized utility DLL Suite, which installs or restores missing dynamic libraries.

If the application of this program is not effectivewill give, on an official site it is necessary to download an installation distribution kit, but to select not an installation, but an update of the system. Who knows, some service pack might be damaged. By the way, the updates themselves can also play a cruel joke. Therefore, it may be necessary to remove some of them, specifically those that were installed recently, after which problems began to appear.

windows 7 error update 80080005

In the most extreme case, you can usea special utility Microsoft FixIt !, which also can automatically correct errors related to the administration of the components of the update system. Only to run it, you first need to completely disable the automatic update. Otherwise, the program itself at the installation stage will give a message that the user has some problems with the Internet connection, and it is simply not possible to download the necessary files from the Web. By the way, not all users remember that. So it turns out that the program seems to be taken from a reliable source, but the components of Microsoft conflict only among themselves. Nonsense? Yes! But it happens in practice.


Actually, that's all that concerns the problema failure occurs when the system is updated. Here, the most frequently encountered failures and methods for their elimination were considered. But even the developers themselves can not unequivocally answer the question why such errors occur even in "clean" systems. So there may be a lot of reasons, as well as ways of eliminating the consequences.

But taking into account all the above, in practice inIn most cases, it helps to check the disk with the restoration of system components and rename the system folder responsible for the system update. All other decisions are in some way secondary, although in some cases they may have an effect.

On the other hand, you first need to find outthe cause of the failure, and only then apply a single solution or a comprehensive approach to solving the problem. But in practice, two methods will suffice (without affecting the socket service reset, since this situation is extremely rare). However, there is little that can be, therefore, it is not worth dropping all the proposed solutions.

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