/ / Distribution of the game - what is it and what does it mean?

Distribution of the game - what is it and what does it mean?

It's no secret that computer games in therecent years are becoming more and more popular, so thousands of people join the ranks of gamers. Unlike what was still ten years ago, today it's not a shame to be a gamer today, nobody blames it, people no longer believe that computer games are a waste of time, which can also do harm. Accordingly, more and more people are in need of new knowledge, without which they can not freely navigate in this new world for them. For example, many of the novice gamers do not know about the distribution of the game. What? How to use? All these questions are very important, so you should definitely familiarize yourself with the materials on this topic.

What is a distro?

distribution game what is

So first of all you need to understand howit is distributed computer games - that's what will give you the first idea of ​​what the distribution of the game is. What is a computer game? This is a program that is more complex, because it has an incredible amount of code, as well as a graphic component, a sound component, and so on. Naturally, this all takes quite a lot of space on the computer - therefore, it is necessary to distribute computer games somehow more compactly. That's why they are packed into archives, into files installers and so on. Just what you get when buying or downloading a game, and called the distribution. And from it you can already extract a full working copy. This is what the distribution of the game is for. What is a distro, you already understand - now you need to figure out how it looks to be able to recognize it at the right time.

What does the distribution look like?

what is the distribution of the game

Many beginner gamers ask a question aboutThe distribution of the game is "What is it?", but few wonder about how it looks. But this is also very important, because you need to have an idea about this, if you are going to permanently play various computer games. The most important thing in the distribution of any game is the exe file, which you will need to run. Most often it's called install or setup, so pay attention to these files. However, you should not forget that in most cases there will be other files in the distribution folder, which are also important, but which you should not touch. Well, now you know about the appearance as well - now it's time to talk about what it's like to install the game's distribution kit.


warface distribution

There is no difference, we are talking about the distributiongame Warface or any other project, here you need to understand one simple truth. In most cases, no matter how many files are in the folder you need, you should not touch them. You need to run the file with the extension exe, and the rest is already the distribution itself will do for you. Naturally, there are cases when the distribution kit is an image of a laser disc recorded on a computer. Then you will need to install the drive simulator to use it to read this image. But again, except for one file you do not need to worry about anything more - all other files will be processed automatically. So, now you know what the distribution of the game means, what it looks like, and what actions you need to take to install it. It remains only to look at particular cases.

Additional distribution

what is the distribution of the game

Very often you can meet the use of the word"distribution" in relation not to the game itself, but to certain programs that need to be installed, so that in the future the game worked. Such programs include DirectX, Visual C ++ and so on. In most cases, complete with the game distribution itself, installers are also supplied for additional software, but this does not always happen. In this case, you will have to take care of yourself, as without these programs you can not start the game - you will always have an error box telling you that there is something missing to run the game. So do not forget that the distribution for games can be different, and you need to take care of several aspects at once.

Games without distribution

Recently, electronic distribution has becomeincredibly popular, which means that you can purchase computer games without the distribution. For example, on the most popular platform in this area, "Steam" you buy the game, run its download, but instead of the distribution you get already ready to run the game. Thus, you bypass a rather unpleasant and annoying step, from which everyone has long wanted to get rid of. The distribution for your games is stored on the servers "Steam", so that you can freely delete their games, and then reinstall them - you buy the rights to use the license, and not a specific copy of the game. Accordingly, you can install and delete this game as many times as you want.

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