/ / Reasons why "Youtube" does not work

The reasons why "Youtube" does not work

We all love to watch us interestingvideos on the Internet. And in this we are very help video hosting "Youtube". After all, today it is the largest. The work of this portal provides an unbelievable number of specialists every day. However, even this fact does not always ensure the uninterrupted operation of this resource, as a result of which users periodically have a question about why "Youtube" does not work. In this article, we will analyze the main causes of such problems.

How it happens

why does not it work?

Take the following situation as an example. Some friend of yours sends you a link to the video. You open it through the browser, but instead of the expected story, a blank page appears. Before hysterical asking in the network the question of why "Youtube" does not work today, it is necessary to be sure of some banal conditions.

First check if the connection is missingwith the Internet and whether you were even connected to it. Strangely enough, this situation is quite common and at the same time is often not taken into account. However, if the link was received by you via e-mail or social network, you can skip this item.

If the connection is OK, and othersresources are opened without any problems, then we proceed to the next step. Try to open the same link with another browser. It happens that the problem is precisely in it. Why does not "Youtube" work in one browser, while the other is OK? Yes, if only because the flash player is not installed in the first one, or there was some failure.

why does not work today
The browser plays a key role

If this is about your case, then I can adviseupdate the browser to the latest version, install the missing plugins or completely reinstall it. Pay special attention to whether the "Adoby" player is installed, and what version you have. After all, this application is responsible for the correct display of the video stream in the browser.

We continue to find out why "Youtube" does not work. The year 2013 was perhaps the richest on this issue. Often, while surfing the Internet, your computer can be picked up by a virus that can change the Hosts file without your knowledge. This file contains a database of different domain names, and also uses them for translation into the network address of the nodes.

The meaning is what can take placesubstitution of such a domain name. That is, when you visit "Youtube" you can visit a completely different site. It is possible that at the time of your visit, such a resource may be already idle, which will serve as the reason for displaying a blank page.

"Treat" the file "Hosts"

why does not work 2013

Now about how to deal with this. Go to the directory where this "Hosts" file is located. Open it with a text editor, for example "Notepad", and delete absolutely all the entries that are available under line When you do this, close the window and save the changes. I strongly recommend that you install antivirus software after that, if it was not available earlier. With it, you need to perform a full computer scan. So, you eliminate one more reason why "Youtube" does not work.

Server overloading

Also, do not exclude the fact that the server,where the video file is stored, is currently overloaded. This can be because of the large number of people who want to view it at the same time. In this case, do not figure out why "Youtube" does not work, but just try to watch the movie a little later, when the load drops. A distinctive feature of this case is that the site itself downloads and plays other files.

And finally, it will be fair to say that this video hosting very rarely does not work at all. Now you know all the reasons why "Youtube" does not work.

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