/ / New characters Injustice Gods Among Us

New characters Injustice Gods Among Us

Fighting Injustice: Gods Among Us has caused a real storm of emotions among fans of the fighting game genre, as well as among fans of the DC comics universe. After all, quality fighting games have not been released for quite some time, except for Mortal Kombat franchise. Therefore, a quality, diverse and exciting project became a breath of fresh air and definitely did not disappoint anyone. Moreover, you get the opportunity to play for those heroes that you are familiar with, such as Batman or Superman - all of which are available in the game Injustice: Gods Among Us. Characters, however, are in fact much more diverse - you will meet dozens of diverse characters, familiar to you by comics, cartoons and feature films.

Basic Characters

characters injustice gods between us

Immediately it is worth saying that in the game Injustice: Gods Among Us the characters did not appear all at once, but added gradually. Initially, the player gets access to the backbone of the heroes for which he can play, but gradually he opens up more and more new characters - in total they number slightly more than thirty. But the story does not end there either, because you have to perform tests, for each of which you can open bonus characters, expanding your collection. Unfortunately, each test is tied to a certain period of time, and if you do not have time to pass it, you can not get this hero for free. You have to wait for it to get to you randomly from the bonus set, or buy it for money in the store. In this article, you will learn about the most popular characters in Injustice: Gods Among Us were available during the tests, that is, they were added to the game not immediately, but after the release, so they can be classified as new and additional.


 injustice gods among us characters

Characters Injustice: Gods Among Us still does not cover the entire DC universe, as there are too many of them in the original comics. But at the same time, new heroes are gradually emerging, which fill in the gaps. And Lobo became one of the first and most anticipated heroes, added after the release. This evil alien comes along with his favorite hook on the chain, which you can use to defeat all your opponents. This hero is loved by absolutely everything, many fans have been waiting for a long time, when a separate feature film will be shot about him. Well, their expectation can brighten up the opportunity to play for him in this game. The characters Injustice: Gods Among Us, of course, this does not end there.

Martian Hunter

injustice gods among us android characters

Naturally, there was not even one more favoriteaudience - the Martian Hunter. Like other relevant characters in Injustice: Gods Among Us, this hero, of course, joined the game to the forces of good, as he is one of the founders of the League of Justice. Naturally, many of his abilities from the original comic books will be available in the game, such as the ability to become invisible or turn into other creatures. You can get a lot of fun playing for this last Martian, who was on Earth, in the city of Gotham, and must save humanity from various villains. In Injustice: Gods Among Us (Android), characters like this are opened exclusively during testing - then only basic versions of heroes can be purchased in the store, advanced versions fall out only from bonus sets.


injustice gods among us characters list

On the side of good play in the game Injustice: Gods Among Us characters, the list of which will be very long. The fact is that many people prefer to play just for good, so the developers tried to please the majority. Naturally, there are also negative heroes, such as Lobo, but one of the most popular additions was the one that contained the heroine of the side of the good Raven. Of course, she is half human, half demon, but at the same time she opposes the forces of evil. Raven is best known as a member of the Young Titans team, and she has quite a number of diverse abilities that she receives because of her demonic blood. In the game Injustice: Gods Among Us (iOS), the characters are not much different from other versions, but it's worth noting that Raven on this platform appeared a little later, but became no less popular.


 injustice gods among us ios characters

If we are talking about additions, then in the game Injustice: Gods Among Us characters can be opened only after you install the necessary downloadable content. As you know, immediately he was not available, but when the first DLC, which contained new previously inaccessible heroes, was announced, a wave of discontent swept through the fans. The fact is that then gamers had access to only 32 heroes, and the developers announced four new ones, among which was Scorpio from a completely different universe of Mortal Kombat. Naturally, there were those who supported such an idea and even spoke out for adding the eternal enemy of Scorpio - Sab-Zero. But the real and ardent fans of the DC universe have expressed their disapproval. They could not understand why developers are adding a character from another universe in the game, when in their universe there is still a huge number of heroes that many dreamed of seeing in action. As a result, they still had to accept this, especially since later more and more new heroes appeared. Now you can purchase the version of Injustice: Gods Among Us - Ultimate Edition, the characters there are immediately available for discovery, so you do not have to think about what else you need to buy to get them all.

Solomon Grandi

injustice gods among us

It can hardly be said that in Injustice: Gods Among Us is the strongest character - Solomon Grandi, but it should be noted that he really can impress anyone with his capabilities. This is not surprising, since in the original he is a supervillain. Solomon Grandi is a zombie who was once a man - and he is also one of the main opponents of the Green Lantern. Initially, he fought only with this superhero, but then began to appear and as an antagonist of Batman and even Superman. As a result, he joined the League of Injustice, which fought against its opposite, the League of Justice. In the game, you can use his incredible power at full power. As you can see, new characters in Injustice: Gods Among Us delighted fans with their diversity and magnificence throughout the process of releasing add-ons.


Static is one of the most popularcharacters of the universe, since initially he had his own comic book, which was issued by the DC Comics division, and had no relation to this universe. Only after some time this unit was dissolved, but the hero was known in certain circles, so he decided to introduce into the world of DC, where he quickly found a place in the Young Titans. In the game, you can use his ability to generate an electromagnetic field, with which he can fight even the most serious opponents.


injustice gods among

Naturally, could not do without thisremarkable sorceress, which is known to all fans to be a member of the League of Justice and has made a serious contribution to the fight against evil. Many also remember her because Zatanna was friends with Bruce Wayne when he was still a child. However, if we talk about her abilities, then Zatanna is a very powerful sorceress who has followed in the footsteps of her father. She uses her magic, pronouncing special command words to activate the spell she needs. Moreover, Zatanna can accomplish much without using her magical abilities, since she is in part an illusionist, so she does not have to use magic to perform certain tasks.


Oddly enough, in the original version of the gamethere was no place for such a character as General Zod. After all, all the fans know that he is one of the main opponents of everyone's favorite Superman. He is considered one of the most famous and favorite villains in all comic universes, so the fans were obviously unhappy when they did not find him among the characters available in the original game. However, of course, this was fixed in time - General Zod appeared in one of the additions, and you need to meet the test conditions to get it at your disposal. When you do, you will be able to fight other superheroes on behalf of Zod himself, who, as everyone knows, has similar abilities to Superman, but at the same time even more improved his body, adding new opportunities, such as, for example, freezing breath . So if you want to play for one of the most famous supervillains, not only in the DC universe, but all over the world, then you definitely need to get an addition with him and pass the test - then you can confront Superman on equal terms.

Superman (Godfal)

Please note that the add-ons graduallyadded not only unique characters, but also various variations of the most popular characters. For example, one of the most popular new characters was Superman from the story arch "Godfol". In it, he suffers from amnesia, that is, does not remember anything about the events on Earth, lives in the city of Kandor on his home planet Krypton, and there he has his worst enemy, Preus, with whom he fights. In principle, the special abilities of this version of Superman is not there - just pay attention to the fact that his suit was completely redesigned and has a silver hue. Also, Superman has a slightly modified red cloak, which has a much more futuristic design. Accordingly, for you it is not necessary to open this character, but the real fans, of course, will want to have it in the collection.

Wonder Woman # 600

All fans are well aware that the mainthe Miracle Woman line ended in the sixth hundredth edition, but the universe could not be left without one of its most famous female characters. Therefore, it was decided to return the Miracle Woman, but send it to another time loop in a different way of development of events. Accordingly, she has changed some abilities, and most importantly - her appearance has completely changed. And now you can get through the installation of the add-on and passing the test to fight for such a heroine, since earlier you could do it only for the classic version of this character. Note that it was told only about Superman and Wonder Woman, but in fact almost every leading hero of the universe has its own variants of costumes from various alternative universes, so you definitely will have something to do if you want to replenish your collection in the game Injustice : Gods Among Us with new characters.

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