/ / What to play with a friend on the network? How to play on the Internet with a friend

What to play with a friend on the network? How to play on the Internet with a friend

Today, when a personal computer isin almost every family, the child will sooner ask what to play with a friend on the network, rather than the permission to go out with him to the street, as it was before. Virtual space really absorbed not only the adult part of the population, but also rapidly conquered the children's fragile mind. Most such a situation seems extremely problematic, but even from it one can find a way out. To do this, parents simply have to take a more responsible approach to the process of educating their children and begin, first of all, with themselves.

what to play with a friend on the network

Criteria for choosing a children's game

To play with friends, the child is ready to go toall. This applies even to such an unloved occupation, as the solution of various problems. In the World Wide Web, there are special websites where a child can learn the alphabet, color names or multiplication table imperceptibly for himself. And all that is required for this is simply to invite him to play on the Internet with a friend.

Of course, this option is not suitable for allchildren, and certainly not for every age. In the process of growing up, the child becomes more independent, he decides himself what to play with a friend on the network. Parents at this stage can only direct it to the right path, tell what is good and what is bad and, of course, control access to those resources that can harm the child's psyche.

Virtual dependency

play online with a friend

Many have heard about gambling, this affliction is strongtakes its place in the same row with drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking. At first glance, it seems that this is a contrived problem, and nothing can happen if you play on the network with a friend for an hour or two. With this it's hard to argue, but the thing is that this process is very tightening, and a couple of hours after a while is no longer enough.

"Empty" pastime is only the firstpoint in a very long list of negative consequences, and this should be considered. Some even spend a lot of money on their virtual life. As in any other field of activity, on the Internet very quickly found people who learned to take advantage of people's desire to play games on the network. But even lost opportunities and material costs do not mean anything compared to the loss of health due to a sedentary lifestyle.

games to play with friends


Today there is a category of people who proudly call themselves cybersportsmen. For them, the question of what to play with a friend on the network is irrelevant.

The thing is that in the minds of cybersportsthe real and virtual worlds are very much intertwined. For them, sometimes computer battles are much more important than attending school, university or work. Interest in such an occupation is further fueled by the holding of various gaming forums where winners receive large sums of money as prizes.

Free-to-play games

On the Internet,games that are distributed free of charge. The logical question arises: "Who in his right mind will be engaged in software development, then to give it for" thank you "?"

In fact, everything is not as simple as it seems on thefirst glance. The game, belonging to the category of free-to-play can indeed be downloaded and installed on your personal computer for free, but the game process provides various "goodies" that a gamer can only buy for money.

This approach of developers justifies itself asno other. A person is given a free dose of a drug, which causes a strong dependence. The spirit of competition, which is strongly supported in the game process, does not relax for a second. In order to keep up with their acquaintances, some are willing to nedosypat and malnutrition. But after reaching the coveted level or acquiring the desired modification, it turns out that anyway, someone's character is better. Thus, it is almost impossible to break the vicious circle.

play online with a friend

Browser online games

Applications that do not require downloading andinstallation on the computer, there are quite a long time, but its popularity was acquired only when a large number of people had access to high-speed Internet. As studies show, browser games are a favorite way for office workers to pass the time.

There are several types of such applications:

  1. Flash games.
  2. Multiplayer games.
  3. Mass-multiplayer games.

The first type is the simplest both for tasks,and on the gameplay. In such applications you can play only one, so games with a friend are better suited games of the second and third type. Multiuser applications include checkers, chess and dominoes. Mass-multiplayer games are divided into role, strategic and economic.

Top 5 online games

In all the variety of game content,existing on the Internet, its giants stand out, which account for up to 95% of all revenues. If you compose a kind of chart applications, then all 5 top positions will take free-to-play games. This is not surprising, because their graphics are much better, and the gameplay is more vivid and interesting. This is due to the fact that browser applications can not use the same amount of software and hardware resources.

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In order to understand what to play with a friendon the network, and on that in any case it is not worth spending time, it is enough to pay attention to 5 world-recognized masterpieces of the virtual world. The fifth place is occupied by a veteran of online games - World of Warcraft ($ 213 million of annual revenue). World of Tanks of Belarusian developers can boast of 372 million dollars in revenue and the fourth place in the ranking. The top three leaders are as follows:

  • CrossFire (957 million dollars and 1 st place);
  • League of Legends (624 million dollars and 2 nd place);
  • Dungeon Fighter Online from Nexon (426 million dollars and 3 rd place).

The figures given above show thatgames for some can be a pleasant pastime, and for others - the goal of existence or a multi-million dollar business. In order not to fall for marketing tricks, it is necessary to clearly prioritize life priorities, to understand that the real world is much brighter and more interesting than virtual. All life is a game! Everyone understands this phrase in his own way.

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