/ / How to make a screenshot on the laptop screen using various software?

How to make a screenshot on the laptop screen using different software?

Very often in the process of working on the mobilethe computer raises the question of how to make a screenshot on the laptop screen. For this purpose, you can use both system software and application software. The algorithm of their work is different, but the result is the same - obtaining the required image. If you need relatively few pictures, it is recommended that you resort to OS tools. When there is a need for a whole series of images, then without specialized software, well, you can not do without.

How to make a screenshot on the laptop screen?

What is it and when does the need arise?

Screenshot is an image of the screen in the currentmoment of time. The purposes of obtaining it can be different: starting from the development of methodological documentation for training and ending with a possible consultation on the Internet forum. So, as you can see, the question: "How to make a screenshot on the laptop screen?" - more relevant. Especially in view of the fact that the percentage of such mobile computers increases constantly.

Means of OS

Now we will deal with the simplest methodhow to make a screenshot on the laptop screen. For these purposes, it is sufficient to use the built-in programs of Microsoft's Windows operating system, the clipboard and the Paint graphics editor. The algorithm for performing this procedure is as follows:

  • We are getting the necessary picture on the screen.
  • Press the "PrtSc" key (depending on the device modification,
    How to take a screenshot on a laptop?
    be an option "Print Screen") - due to this an exact copy of the required image is placed on the OS clipboard.
  • Launch the image editor: StartProgramsStandardPaint.
  • After you run it, you need to insert an image. To do this, just press the "Ctrl" key and, without releasing it, "V".
  • After pressing the previous combination of keys, a picture from the clipboard that we need appears.
  • If necessary, you can edit it using the program's built-in tools.
  • Before you leave, you need to save the result. To do this, go to the menu (the upper left corner in the OS "Windus 7") and select "Save as" in the opened list.
  • In the separated query, we select the place where there will bethe file is saved. Also, you must enter its name and choose the format (it is recommended to use JPEG - the quality is excellent and its size is small).

This is the easiest way to make a screenshot on a laptop.

Applied software

The above algorithm, which is based on the use of embedded tools, has one significant drawback - it is difficult to make a series with it

How to make a screenshot on a laptop?
pictures. The process is too laborious. In such cases
it is better to use specialized tools. This is a more complicated version of how to take a screenshot on a laptop, because it requires the installation of additional software and an understanding of its interface. As an example, consider the order of the UVScreenCamera program. To get started, you need to download it from the official website. Then the installation is done. If you follow the instructions of the wizard to install it, perform this step will not be difficult. When you first start, you need to set the necessary parameters for the job. Immediately open the menu item "Advanced settings". Then select the "hot" key, when you click on which will be taken a picture. Then you need to choose, the whole screen will be used entirely or some part of it. Then, during work, we press the "hot" key when necessary. In the end, you must save the results. To do this, press "Ctrl" and, without releasing it, "S". That's the whole procedure for working with specialized software of this class.


In the framework of this article, the two mosta common way of how to make a screenshot on the laptop screen. One of them is simpler and involves the use of built-in tools. It is good in cases where there are relatively few pictures. Otherwise, it's easier to use specialized tools that allow this process to be automated.

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