/ / Instructions: how to make a bed in "Terraria"

Instructions: how to make a bed in "Terraria"

Today we will talk about how to make a bed in"Terraria". It's about the subject of the interior, which sets the point of rebirth of the character. Change it by right-clicking on the bed. Similarly, it can be removed.


how to make a bed in the terrarium
Before moving on to the solution of the problem, how to do itbed in Terraria, you should know that it is also an alternative point of rebirth. The character will appear on it. In this case, several players can be saved on a single bed. With the advent of version 1.2, different types appeared. Some of them are made at the sawmill.


how to make a bed in terraria
So, let's go directly to the question of how to make a bed in "Terraria". Different types of these interior items differ only in appearance and location.

Once you figure out how to make a bed in"Terraria", it is necessary to ensure its work. For this we observe a number of important conditions. In a room with a bed there should be a lot of free space. The minimum room size is 8 for 4 units. In case the ceiling is not visible on the game screen, since it is located high, the bed will not work. Sometimes a similar situation occurs in very wide rooms. As for the external walls for the room with the bed, they can be made of arbitrary material, not only suitable for dirt. It is best to use brick, stone or wood for these purposes. We construct inner walls from similar materials. Cave and underground options in this case will not work. Also do not help us and the structure of the dungeon.

The building with the bed should be provided with a door. For our purposes, a room on a flying island is suitable. The rear wall should not be generated, it must be built with your own hands. In some cases, the bed may not work if the door is open inside the room. The system believes that in this case too much space is occupied. If you meet all the requirements while clicking on the bed with the mouse cursor (right-click at the left corner), a message appears about the installation of the recovery point.


how to make a bed in terraria
Solving the issue of how to make a bed in"Terraria", depends on its type. Let's consider them separately. An ordinary bed is made at the sawmill. For its manufacture, wood and silk are needed. There you can also get a bed, the basis for which is a dark tree. We use ebony wood and silk. There are beds made of mahogany. In addition to the eponymous material, silk is also needed for their creation. Let's create a bed, based on pearl wood. First of all, we use silk. Perlite wood is also useful. Next on the next bed is a shady tree. Here, too, you can not do without silk. Mix it with shady wood. Now create a bed of glass. In addition to the main component, silk can not be dispensed with. This kind of interior is being created in a glass melting furnace. There is even a honey bed in this virtual world. So, we compiled a guide for you "How to make a bed in Terraria". We hope that he will help you.

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