/ / What is the "crack" and the consequences of its installation

What is the "crack" and the consequences of its installation?

We all love to use good software for ourgoals. For example, to process graphics, edit PDF files, run good games, etc., you often need to purchase the right to use. But not everyone has the opportunity (or desire) to spread their money for this purpose. And in this case hackers write special programs that allow you to bypass the payment procedure. Such software is called in the people "crack".

Let us not now focus on the fact thatit's wrong and it's against the law that you can not use such software. This is obvious, but nevertheless, many users are happy to use this opportunity. Today, we will simply tell you what the "crack" is, about the possible consequences of its use.

what is a crack

What is it?

So, this term was borrowed fromin English. The literal meaning of crack is "to break with a bang." "Crack" -program at startup simply introduces some changes to the code of paid software, which as a result ceases to check whether payment for use was made or not. It should be noted that patches work on a similar principle. Their difference lies in the fact that the latter can both "crack" and correct various errors and flaws in the software.

But back to our "sheep". Very often, "crack" is used for Windows, since this is the most popular operating system, and most software is written just for her. Users should remember that, in addition to cancellation of payment, this hacking software is often able to damage the computer. For example, when installing the "crack" via the Internet, it contacts its manufacturer and receives the appropriate instructions that it needs to perform. For example, send some data, stop certain services, infect specific files and so on.


Motivation for writing

Do you already begin to understand what "crack" is? He is very often written not because of any ideological motives or altruistic inclinations. The author of such software, as a rule, pursues any personal interests. Often when installing it, a Trojan program penetrates the system, which steals your passwords from accounts or some accounts, bank details and so on.

Many users of one of the popular versionspirated "Piggy" at one time felt to the full what a "crack", and what could be the consequences of it. If you deactivate the license check of this operating system, the latter was infected with a "Trojan". With all the ensuing consequences. For a long time, anti-virus software could not do anything about this problem, because many advanced antivirus programs simply did not detect anything.

 crack for windows


If you are still using for some reasonprograms for hacking, we strongly advise you to install an additional "firewall" in addition to antivirus. After all, the latter allows you to detect suspicious activity in the system and warn you about it. Particular attention should be paid to the "crack" for the game. It is for games that many "crackers" are released with malicious surprises.

Another example of the harmful effects of thissoftware. This time there is a theft in the truest sense of the word. The program requires the user to send a message to a special short number supposedly to get the right key. In fact, if you fulfill this requirement, all money from your mobile account will be transferred in an unknown direction. The key you received and will not be.

It is better not to disable antivirus software

Also, one morefeature of "crack". Everyone who used or tried to use this software was flocked with the recommendation that it is necessary to disable the anti-virus program during its launch. It is necessary to do this in order that there should be no false alarm triggering, as a result of which the "crack" task will not be performed.

crack for the game

In this statement is part of the truth. Indeed, "antivirus", protecting the copyright of developers, refer to "crack" to malicious software, even if they really only bypass the procedure for paid activation. But you must understand that there are very few such "harmless" programmers. And most likely, if you disable the protection of your computer, a malicious "agent" will penetrate the system. We hope you understand what "crack" is.

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