/ / How do I return a closed tab? A guide for users of the most popular browsers

How do I return a closed tab? A guide for users of the most popular browsers

So, there was a nuisance. After a long and stubborn search of information on the Web, the page you need is finally found, but the tab has disappeared somewhere. What happened? How do I return a closed tab?

Many users still have memoriesabout those times when the accidentally closed page had to search again for a long time. Browsers developers have heeded the complaints of unfortunate users - now you can use special functions that will help the browser to restore the session. Where to find them?

how to return a closed tab

In Chrome browser

Not so long ago, you could find a file called LastSession. If you rename it slightly, replacing the first word with Current, you managed to return the last tabs. Now this method is no longer available. In the system files of the browser, you can find the Notepad document, which displays the history of the links. But the search for the required session in this file is equated with shamanism, available only to the masters.

Since to return a closed tab to those whorefers to the category of standard users who are not familiar with the basics of programming? For this there is an elementary combination of buttons: Ctrl + Shift + T. By pressing these keys, the user can restore the closed pages one at a time.

You can use the history of the browser. In the desired settings item, there is now a special line - "Recently closed tabs". Sometimes this function may not seem most convenient, as several sessions are restored at once. To open the desired page, you have to open the history and select tabs manually.

In the Opera browser

How to return the last closed tab in the browserOpera? In the same way as in the browser from Google, since both of these browsers are in many ways the same. Help is already known hotkeys or the menu item "Recently closed tabs", as well as independent searches in the history of the browser.

In case of emergency, if the browserwas terminated unexpectedly, the next time Opera is launched, it will offer 4 options, among which you can choose: "Continue from the disconnection point".

how to return an accidentally closed tab

In the "Yandex"

The browser "Yandex" works on the same engine as Google Chrome. Accordingly, the methods of restoring a casually closed Internet page are similar here.

In the Mozilla browser

Already on the main page Mozilla offersrecreate the last session if Firefox is installed by default. The button is impossible not to notice. How do I return a closed tab with it? Just click. If the home page is another page, then you can use the history of the browser. The principle of operation in this case is no different from restoring tabs in Google Chrome.

If the browser was shut down,To restore it, a window appears prompting you to open the recent tabs. You can manually open lost pages using the "about: sessionrestore" command, which is typed in the search box.

If the above activities did not bringthe result, then, the session did not have time to remain in history. Then how do I return a randomly closed tab? We will have to stock up extensions to such cases in the future.

how to return the last private tab

Extensions will help in the search for loss

All the above methods, unfortunately, are not alwaysare effective. Sometimes the tab does not have time to stay in the history of the browser, and only the one who is with the computer "on you" can restore it. For the rest, "dancing with a tambourine" in order to find a runaway session in system folders is unlikely to succeed.

So, how to return a closed tab to a standard tabuser of PC? Extensions will come to the rescue - special additions to work with Internet pages. They exhaustively solve the problems with sudden closures and casual losses of sessions. This kind of software includes Session Manager or TabHamster.

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