/ / Program to reduce ping and other ways to reduce latency

Program to reduce ping and other ways to reduce latency

Fans of online games often facethe problem of high ping. The essence of the problem lies in the fact that the transfer of information from the game server to the computer and back there is a delay that significantly affects the gameplay. What happens on the player's monitor is very different from what is happening on the server. Any, even the smallest, delay causes the so-called "lag". We will tell on the example of Counter Strike, where a significant delay leads to inadequate behavior of game characters (they hang in place, move in jerks, shoot at irregular intervals and so on) - this is the "lag".

Players are trying in every possible way to reduce this delay,so that the game worked faster, "cleaner" and there was nothing to complain about in case of defeat. Fortunately for many, the problem can be solved, for this there is a special program for reducing ping in COP 1.6, World of Warcraft and other games. But before you start working with it, it's worth investigating why there is a delay.

ping reduction software

How Packets Work

When transferring data from the server to the computerthe client, that is, your computer, checks this data. They come in the form of network packets, and the Windows operating system is configured so that each of them is tested. To this end, a timer has been created, delaying the reception of a new package, so that the system has finished working with the previous one.

In order to avoid this procedure, a special program is used to reduce ping or changes are made in the registry.

Through the register

One way to lower the ping is to adjust the registry settings, which will allow you to "remove" this timer and force the system to accept the packet without a deliberate check.

It is important to understand that these changes will workOnly if the problem is not related to your ISP. Therefore, this method should not be taken as a panacea, because various factors, including the channel capacity, the remoteness of servers, the type of game, etc., can have a significant impact on ping.

program to reduce ping in games

What needs to be done?

  1. To start, you need to run the utility to edit the registry, do this as follows: open "Start"> Run> regedit (in Windows 10 you can type "regedit" in the search field).
  2. In the editor, you need to find the string HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesTcpipParametersInterfaces.
  3. In each field of the interface, you must create a DWORD string called TcpAckFrequency, then you must set a hexadecimal checkmark and a value of one.
  4. Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMSMQParameters.
  5. We are looking for TCPNoDelay (if there is none, then we need to create it ourselves), set the value to 1.

After that, you must restart the computer or network card. If the game succeeds, the ping should drop and the number of outages should be reduced.

Leatrix Latency Fix

For many, the technique described above canseem difficult, and some sections in the registry may be completely absent. For such users, a special program was created to reduce ping - Leatrix Latency Fix. This utility works on the same principle, with only one difference - everything happens in automatic mode. After installing the utility, you must restart the computer or turn off and then turn on the network card.

program to reduce ping in COP 1 6


There is one more, more advanced, programto reduce ping. CFosSpeed ​​works somewhat differently and has a more extensive interface. This program to reduce ping in games allows you to prioritize the received packages, giving advantage to the game content or any other, at the discretion of the end user.

Through a proxy

If, for some reason, the programs to reducePing like Leatrix and CFosSpeed ​​is not suitable for the user, for this purpose you can use a transitional proxy server. There are many resources that provide access to them. They allow you to speed up the work in online games. Such servers do not solve the problem completely, but they work even if the ping reduction tools do not help.

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