/ Powerline adapter. How to configure the Powerline adapter

Powerline adapter. How to configure the Powerline adapter

To date, it is difficult to imagine a house orapartment, and even more so office, and often a production room, which would not be equipped with the ability to connect to the data network. Local networks and the Internet have firmly entered into the life of almost every modern person and the production processes in all sectors. And if the creation of a computer network in a building is difficult or impossible with the use of technologies familiar to all, and such a need is present? Probably, one should pay attention to one of the most progressive solutions in the world of network technologies to date - the transmission of data on electrical wiring. Electric wires are certainly everywhere, which means that using a special device - the Powerline adapter, the solution to the question of building a high-speed data transmission network and access to the Internet can be simplified many times.

Disadvantages of existing networks

So, having a fast network within the home orapartments - this is practically a necessity in the modern world. The most common and popular technologies, for example, Wi-Fi, often can not meet the needs of demanding users. Due to the large thickness of the wall and ceilings, there are obstacles to the passage of radio waves, which in turn leads to a deterioration in the quality of communication and a drop in data transmission speed, which is why the speed and quality of communication fall. Wire networks are not characterized by such drawbacks, but cable routing is very often uncomfortable, and sometimes simply unacceptable for various reasons. The use of Powerline adapters, which will be discussed below, allows to forget about similar problems.

Powerline Features

As already mentioned above, in case of usePowerline technology, data transmission is done by wiring. Electrical wires are already laid in any room, so this technology seems very interesting to many users. Despite the fact that the development of technology has been going on for a long time, its mass introduction and popularity has not reached its peak today, due to the presence of some technological implementation complexities. At the same time, feedback about Powerline adapters from users already using the solution in their homes and apartments is mostly positive. Here, probably, the most important is the right choice, introduction into the existing network and adjustment of the devices under consideration.

powerline adapter

Powerline technology

In the latest generation of adapters, according tomanufacturers, the possibility of data transmission at a speed of up to 1000 Mbit / s. Implement this speed allows the use of just three wires of the electrical network 220V. Previously used standards assumed that only two wires would be involved, and this, in turn, should provide a speed of up to 500 Mbit / s. Regardless of the standard used in the design of a particular Powerline adapter, the operation of these devices has not changed since its inception. The device receives information packets through the LAN port, and then transmits the received wiring data to the second adapter. This second adapter, after receiving and recognizing the signal, decodes it, and then sends it further to the data network through its own LAN port. It can be concluded that the work of the Powerline adapter is based on the same principle as data transfer via Wi-Fi, only the data transmission medium is not radio, but electrical wires.

ethernet powerline adapter

Modern standard

Considered devices are produced by manymanufacturers, but only well-known brands can guarantee the proper level of reliability and compliance with the declared characteristics. The modern Powerline network adapter must support the Homeplug AV2 standard, which involves the use of a wider range of frequencies than previously produced solutions. In addition, some devices have the ability to use in addition to phase and zero, in addition a grounding power line. Modern adapters have the ability to calculate the strength of the signal on each of the three wires, and then use the most suitable one. Test results show that this principle actually increases the speed with which data is transmitted, including long distances. Almost all the reviews about Powerline-adapters Homeplug AV2 speak about the increase in efficiency when applying this approach.

powerline adapters reviews


Almost all well-known network manufacturersequipment in the arsenal of products offered to users considered devices for building a network using Powerline technology. Since such networks have not gained mass distribution, it is difficult to recommend a specific brand, which should be preferred to the end user. In general, the models of different manufacturers demonstrate the same indicators and can be suitable for use in different places and situations. In terms of price-quality ratio, one of the first places among the assortment offered in computer stores on the territory of our country is occupied by Powerline adapters Tp-Link.

powerline adapter tp link

Package Contents and Software

Features of the technology involve the use ofat least two adapters in the same network, so in most cases in the product box, the user will find a set of Powerline adapters of two pieces. In general, such a solution is ready for operation, but before switching to the connection, it is worth paying attention to the software for the PC, which in most cases complements the package. Such an application allows you to obtain information about the nominal speed at which specific devices that are part of the network operate. Among other things, the software allows you to find the optimal outlet for connecting the Powerline adapter, as well as update the firmware of the device.

set of powerline adapters


Activating Ethernet AdaptersPowerline usually does not cause any difficulties, and the setup of the kit takes only a few minutes. To simplify the first start, you must first insert the adapters into the adjacent sockets or extension. After both devices are connected to the electrical network, you need to press the "Pair" key and hold it for a few seconds on the first of the adapters, which will transfer the device to the connection mode. The second adapter has to hold the button for 1-2 minutes.

powerline power adapter


Having carried out the above-described pairing procedure, you can proceed to the direct integration of adapters into the network. In the usual case, this is done in several steps.

  1. Connect one of the adapters with an Ethernet cable to the LAN port of the router, which is the backbone of the network.
  2. Connect the second adapter from the kit to the outlet located in the same electrical circuit as the first one.
  3. Waiting until the Powerline lights on the adapters.
  4. Connect to the second adapter of your computer or router using an Ethernet cable.
  5. Additionally. To add another Powerline adapter to the existing network as a signal amplifier, simply plug it into a free outlet.


Having considered the technological featuresPowerline-adapters, we can conclude that the prospects for the use of such devices in the future. To date, the technology provides a good level of performance. Simplicity of installation and adjustment of devices, and also their efficiency and an opportunity of use in places where application of other ways of construction of computer networks is complicated, involves more and more consumers.

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