/ / How to get fire at Meincraft and how to use it

How to get fire at Meincraft and how to use it

Considering the fact that in Maynkraft youappear in the world at all without any adaptations, and all you need to extract yourself, it is obvious that you will need fire - just like a caveman. But do not worry - the game is not built around it, it is much more important to have a house in which you can spend the night and escape from the night monsters. But do not think that you do not need fire at all. After all, you need it for many actions - first of all, for preparing various dishes. Many products you can consume in raw form, but they will be much more nutritious cooked and better will restore your satiety scale. However, it is worth returning to the very question of how to obtain fire at the Meincraft. This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

Extraction of fire

how to get fire in maynkraft

As you can guess, in order toto figure out how to get fire at Meincraft, you'll need flint. But do not worry - your character will not sink to the level of a caveman. Flint will be needed for the craft of the flint, which can then be used to light any block that can burn. But flint - it's not all that you need - in the recipe there is one more component. You will need an iron bar to scrape a full flint, which many gamers for simplicity are called "lighter". As you know, you can make this subject even without using a workbench, since there are only two ingredients. Now you know the knowledge of the manufacture of flint - it remains to learn how to get fire at Meincraft with his help.

Extraction of fire

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It would seem that many processes in the "Meincraft"are very complex and multi-way, so many may think that they will have to puzzle over the question of how to obtain fire at Meincraft. But this is not so - the fact is that the fire is extracted incredibly simply, at the touch of a button. But first you need to take a flint in your hand to make it an active subject. After that, you need to approach any object that is not water or other material that does not have the properties of burning. When your sight is aimed at this object, hold down the right mouse button - literally in a second the object to which your sight was pointed will light up. Unfortunately, most of the materials burn very briefly, so you have to keep the fire on your own. Do not worry - the lighters have quite a few charges, and make no new problems. Now you know how to get a fire at Meincraft without mods, but how do you use it?

The use of fire

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The fact that on the fire you can cook differentdishes, you have already learned - this is a very common way of using fire. But this is not all that you can do, since it is a universal element. You can even set the mobs on fire to get a small amount of damage for a certain amount of time. Naturally, you can come up with other ways to use such a powerful element both in combat and in the economy - you only need to include the imagination.

Special Functions

All gamers know that the game haslimited amount of armor. But among them, usually does not designate chain mail - why? After all, it can even be crafted, but the components for the craft will be blocks of fire. Unfortunately, they can not be obtained in the game in an honest way - your character simply can not take a fire in your hand and put it in your inventory. How to get fire at Meincraft for chain mail? To do this, there are special console commands, which only the server administrator owns. To use them in a single game, you will need to enable the cheat mode.

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